Elizabeth Drury O'Neill (My surname is DRURY O'NEILL please don't use O'NEILL)
Elizabeth Drury O'Neill (My surname is DRURY O'NEILL please don't use O'NEILL)
其他姓名E. Drury O’Neill (Google takes away O’Neill but I'm not O’Neill et al)
Stockholm Resilience Centre
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Assistance networks in seafood trade–a means to assess benefit distribution in small-scale fisheries
ED O'Neill, B Crona
Marine Policy 78, 196-205, 2017
Who benefits from seafood trade? A comparison of social and market structures in small-scale fisheries
ED O'neill, B Crona, AJG Ferrer, R Pomeroy, NS Jiddawi
Ecology and Society 23 (3), 2018
Socioeconomic dynamics of the Ghanaian tuna industry: a value-chain approach to understanding aspects of global fisheries
E Drury O'Neill, NK Asare, DW Aheto
African Journal of Marine Science 40 (3), 303-313, 2018
From typhoons to traders: the role of patron-client relations in mediating fishery responses to natural disasters
E Drury O’Neill, B Crona, AJG Ferrer, R Pomeroy
Environmental Research Letters 14 (4), 045015, 2019
Untangling social–ecological interactions: A methods portfolio approach to tackling contemporary sustainability challenges in fisheries
E Lindkvist, KE Pellowe, SM Alexander, E Drury O'Neill, EM Finkbeiner, ...
Fish and Fisheries 23 (5), 1202-1220, 2022
From typhoons to traders: the role of patron-client relations in mediating fishery responses to natural disasters
E Drury O’Neill, B Crona, AJG Ferrer, R Pomeroy
An experimental approach to exploring market responses in small-scale fishing communities
E Drury O’Neill, T Lindahl, T Daw, B Crona, AJG Ferrer, R Pomeroy
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 491, 2019
Introducing Elinor for monitoring the governance and management of area‐based conservation
SL Mahajan, S Obiene, L Ojwang, N Olwero, A Valdivia, A Wosu, E Adrid, ...
Conservation Biology 38 (2), e14213, 2024
Towards modelling interventions in small-scale fisheries
N Wijermans, ED O’Neill
Advances in Social Simulation: Looking in the Mirror, 485-489, 2020
Exploring a process-relational approach to qualitative research methods for sustainability science
MM García, C Abunge, SO Bandeira, C Cheupe, DJ Combane, T Daw, ...
People and Nature 6 (4), 1512-1523, 2024
ED O’Neill, B Crona, N Jiddawi
Multidimensional human wellbeing in periodic octopus closures
ED O'Neill, TM Daw, E Lindkvist, JB Martínez, A Wamukota, R Mwaipopo
Compliance, Complexity and Cephalopods-Disaggregated Responses to Participatory Marine Conservation & Management
ED O'Neill, TM Daw, E Lindkvist, R Mwaipopo
The sacred and climate change: Local perceptions from KaNyaka island in Mozambique
ME Mubai, SO Bandeira, DJ Combane, T Daw, T Gonzalez, EMD O'Neill, ...
Climate Risk Management 42, 100564, 2023
Social embeddedness of fisheries trade: What can we learn for improved market interventions towards sustainability?
S Käll, E Drury O'Neill, B González-Mon
Catching values of small-scale fisheries: A look at markets, trade relations and fisher behaviour
E Drury O'Neill
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, 2018
Small-Scale Fisheries Governance: Broadening Perspectives on Markets, Relationships and Benefits in Seafood Trade
E Drury O'Neill
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, 2016
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