Sven Lundie
Sven Lundie
UNSW - The University of New South Wales
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Life cycle assessment for sustainable metropolitan water systems planning
S Lundie, GM Peters, PC Beavis
Environmental Science & Technology 38 (13), 3465-3473, 2004
Life cycle assessment of food waste management options
S Lundie, GM Peters
Journal of cleaner production 13 (3), 275-286, 2005
A comparative study of some environmental impacts of conventional and organic farming in Australia
R Wood, M Lenzen, C Dey, S Lundie
Agricultural systems 89 (2-3), 324-348, 2006
Aggregating sustainability indicators: beyond the weighted sum
HV Rowley, GM Peters, S Lundie, SJ Moore
Journal of environmental management 111, 24-33, 2012
Review of multi-criteria decision aid for integrated sustainability assessment of urban water systems
E Lai, S Lundie, NJ Ashbolt
Urban water journal 5 (4), 315-327, 2008
Life cycle assessment of water recycling technology
N Tangsubkul, P Beavis, SJ Moore, S Lundie, TD Waite
Water resources management 19, 521-537, 2005
Environmental-economic measures of tourism yield
S Lundie, L Dwyer, P Forsyth
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 15 (5), 503-519, 2007
Influence of inventory data sets on life‐cycle assessment results: a case study on PVC
EC Peereboom, R Kleijn, S Lemkowitz, S Lundie
Journal of Industrial Ecology 2 (3), 109-130, 1998
Assessing the ecological footprint of a large metropolitan water supplier: lessons for water management and planning towards sustainability
M Lenzen, S Lundie, G Bransgrove, L Charet, F Sack
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 46 (1), 113-141, 2003
A hybrid life cycle assessment model for comparison with conventional methodologies in Australia
HV Rowley, S Lundie, GM Peters
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14, 508-516, 2009
Integrated environmental assessment of tertiary and residuals treatment-LCA in the wastewater industry
P Beavis, S Lundie
Water Science and Technology 47 (7-8), 109-116, 2003
Generation of an industry-specific physico-chemical allocation matrix. Application in the dairy industry and implications for systems analysis (9 pp)
AJ Feitz, S Lundie, G Dennien, M Morain, M Jones
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 12, 109-117, 2007
Environmental life cycle assessment of the microfiltration process
N Tangsubkul, K Parameshwaran, S Lundie, AG Fane, TD Waite
Journal of membrane science 284 (1-2), 214-226, 2006
Carbon footprint of milk production from dairy cows in Australia
S Gollnow, S Lundie, AD Moore, J McLaren, N van Buuren, P Stahle, ...
International Dairy Journal 37 (1), 31-38, 2014
Australian characterisation factors and normalisation figures for human toxicity and ecotoxicity
S Lundie, MAJ Huijbregts, HV Rowley, NJ Mohr, AJ Feitz
Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (8-9), 819-832, 2007
Inventory methods in LCA: towards consistency and improvement
A Ciroth, G Huppes, S Lundie
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008
Life‐Cycle Assessment of Biosolids Processing Options
GM Peters, S Lundie
Journal of Industrial Ecology 5 (2), 103-121, 2001
Quantitative systems analysis as a strategic planning approach for metropolitan water service providers
S Lundie, G Peters, P Beavis
Water Science and Technology 52 (9), 11-20, 2005
Stage 2 report for life cycle assessment for paper and packaging waste management scenarios in Victoria
T Grant, KL James, S Lundie, K Sonneveld
Eco Recycle Victoria, 2001
Soil salinisation: a local life cycle assessment impact category
AJ Feitz, S Lundie
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7, 244-249, 2002
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