Ita Yustina
Ita Yustina
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Potensi tepung dari ampas industri pengolahan kedelai sebagai bahan pangan
I Yustina, FR Abadi
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kedaulatan Pangan dan Energi. Fakultas Pertanian …, 2012
Pengemasan dan Daya Simpan Permen Nanas
I Yustina, SS Antarlina
Seminar Nasional: Menggagas Kebangkitan Komoditas Unggulan Lokal Pertanian …, 2013
Potensi Tepung Ampas Industri Pengolahan Kedelai sebagai Bahan Pangan
I Yustina, FR Abadi
Seminar Nasional Kedaulatan Pangan dan Energi. Universitas Trunojoyo. Madura, 2012
Contribution of yeast and its biomass for the preparation of industrially essential materials: A boon to circular economy
AK Wani, F Rahayu, I Yustina, GSA Fatah, IK Kariada, SS Antarlina, ...
Bioresource Technology Reports 23, 101508, 2023
Pemanfaatan Ampas Pengolahan Kedelai dalam Pembuatan Rengginang
I Yustina
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi, 381-389, 2011
Aniswatul (2012). Pengaruh penambahan aneka rempah terhadap sifat fisik, organoleptik serta kesukaan pada kerupuk dari susu sapi segar
I Yustina, NA Ericha
Seminar Nasional: Kedaulatan Pangan dan Energi. Fakultas Pertanian …, 0
Kajian kualitas pasca panen sawi (Brassica juncea L) yang dipupuk menggunakan tiga jenis pupuk kandang dan urea
I Yustina, Z Sa’adah, FN Aziz
Prosiding Seminar Nasional. Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan …, 2016
Cassava as a local material source for some types of food products
S Wulandari, EN Alami, A Khamidah, AM Rizal, T Purbiati, I Yustina
E3S Web of Conferences 373, 04025, 2023
Formulation of vermicelli mixed corn and Rice flour with additional carrageenan and its economic value
M Saeri, J Mariyono, E Latifah, A Khamidah, I Yustina, S Sugiono, ...
International Journal of Food Science 2022 (1), 7387223, 2022
Healthy Food Consumer Segmentation for Targeting and Positioning New Product Slimming Jelly
I Yustina, D Purwadi, N Khuriyati
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri 10 (3), 227-238, 2021
Wet noodle quality improvement using paste breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
I Yustina
Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Technology 8 (1), 53-58, 2017
Some physical characteristics and protein content of soybean for instant soymilk
I Yustina, N Istiqomah, FR Abadi
agriTECH 40 (2), 102-109, 2020
Effect of White and Black Rice Addition on Robusta Coffee Powder and Brews Characteristics
I Yustina, FR Abadi
El-Hayah: Jurnal Biologi 6 (3), 86-95, 2017
Performance and community acceptance of paddy management with balanced input cultivation technology in Kebonagung Village Madiun East Java Indonesia
T Purbiati, L Anggraeni, S Sugiono, T Zubaidi, S Purnama, C Hermanto, ...
Heliyon 10 (9), 2024
The effectiveness of citronella oil to control main pest on cabbage Plutella xylostella in the field
RC Wicaksono, M Istianto, W Setiawati, R Tarigan, U Triasih, O Endarto, ...
Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 55 (1), 2023
Yield, milling quality, rice quality and preferences of superior and specific location rice varieties
I Yustina, D Rachmawati, FN Aziz, S Nirmalasari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1377 (1), 012030, 2024
Application of liquid organic fertilizer and in-organic fertilizer can increase the value of relative agronomic effectiveness
N Istiqomah, T Purbiati, L Fauziah, I Yustina, D Rachmawati, A Hamid
AIP Conference Proceedings 2957 (1), 2024
Teknik Perkecambahan Terhadap Jumlah Pertumbuhan Benih Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora)
M Gustian, S Wulandari, S Anggraini, I Yustina
JAGO TOLIS: Jurnal Agrokompleks Tolis 4 (2), 97-103, 2024
Organic Fertilization on Shallot
Z Arifin, L Aisyawati, A Krismawati, E Latifah, I Yustina, SS Antarlina
BP International, 2023
Plant Architectural Arrangements to Improve Production and Quality of Brazilian Spinach
L Anggraeni, E Latifah, D Rahmawati, A Khamidah, I Yustina, T Zubaidi
3rd International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA …, 2023
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