Omar A. Ibrahim
Omar A. Ibrahim
SFU Fuel Cell Research Laboratory (FCReL), Canada; Mechanical Engineering, Alexandria University
在 sfu.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
A Metal‐Free and Biotically Degradable Battery for Portable Single‐Use Applications
JP Esquivel, P Alday, OA Ibrahim, B Fernández, E Kjeang, N Sabaté
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (18), 1700275, 2017
Towards a fuel-flexible direct alcohol microfluidic fuel cell with flow-through porous electrodes: Assessment of methanol, ethylene glycol and glycerol fuels
CA Martins, OA Ibrahim, P Pei, E Kjeang
Electrochimica Acta 271, 537-543, 2018
Microfluidics for Electrochemical Energy Conversion
OA Ibrahim, M Navarro-Segarra, P Sadeghi, N Sabaté, JP Esquivel, ...
Chemical Reviews, 2022
In situ decoration of metallic catalysts in flow-through electrodes: Application of Fe/Pt/C for glycerol oxidation in a microfluidic fuel cell
CA Martins, OA Ibrahim, P Pei, E Kjeang
Electrochimica Acta 305, 47-55, 2019
“Bleaching” glycerol in a microfluidic fuel cell to produce high power density at minimal cost
CA Martins, OA Ibrahim, P Pei, E Kjeang
Chemical Communications 54 (2), 192-195, 2018
In-situ characterization of symmetric dual-pass architecture of microfluidic co-laminar flow cells
OA Ibrahim, MA Goulet, E Kjeang
Electrochimica Acta 187, 277-285, 2016
Maximizing the power density of aqueous electrochemical flow cells with in operando deposition
MA Goulet, OA Ibrahim, WHJ Kim, E Kjeang
Journal of Power Sources 339, 80-85, 2017
Microfluidic Electrochemical Cell Array in Series: Effect of Shunt Current
OA Ibrahim, MA Goulet, E Kjeang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162 (7), F639-F644, 2015
Evaluation of Redox Chemistries for Single-Use Biodegradable Capillary Flow Batteries
OA Ibrahim, P Alday, N Sabaté, JP Esquivel, E Kjeang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (12), A2448-A2456, 2017
Graphene Oxide-Modified Metal-Free Cathodes for Glycerol/Bleach Microfluidic Fuel Cells
CA Martins, P Pei, M Tellis, OA Ibrahim, E Kjeang
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020
An organic redox flow cell‐inspired paper‐based primary battery
M Navarro-Segarra, PP Alday, D Garcia, OA Ibrahim, E Kjeang, N Sabaté, ...
ChemSusChem, 2020
Leveraging co-laminar flow cells for non-aqueous electrochemical systems
OA Ibrahim, E Kjeang
Journal of Power Sources 402, 7-14, 2018
Three-Dimensional Transient Thermal Analysis for a Silicon PCR Microreactor
O Ibrahim, B Jones, M Hassab, M Op de Beeck
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 65 (11), 1069-1088, 2014
On-chip multiplex for amplification directly from whole blood
RS Wiederkehr, B Jones, S Peeters, T Stakenborg, O Ibrahim, P Fiorini, ...
Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for …, 2013
Practical advances in microfluidic electrochemical energy conversion
O Ibrahim
Applied Sciences: School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering, 2018
Co-Laminar Flow Cell with Power Density of 2 Wcm-2
MA Goulet, O Ibrahim, E Kjeang
Meeting Abstracts, 47-47, 2016
(Science for Solving Society’s Problems Challenge Grant Winner) Powerpad: Evaluation of Redox Chemistries for Disposable Power Sources
O Ibrahim, P Alday, JP Esquivel, N Sabate, E Kjeang
Meeting Abstracts, 80-80, 2016
(Science for Solving Society’s Problems Challenge Grant Winner) Powerpad: Non-Toxic Capillary-Based Flow Battery for Single Use Applications
JP Esquivel, P Alday, O Ibrahim, E Kjeang, N Sabate
Meeting Abstracts, 473-473, 2016
In-Situ Characterization of Microfluidic Redox Battery with Dual-Pass Architecture
O Ibrahim, MA Goulet, E Kjeang
Meeting Abstracts, 1784-1784, 2015
Microfluidic Redox Battery with Symmetric, Dual-Pass Architecture
O Ibrahim, MA Goulet, E Kjeang
Meeting Abstracts, 27-27, 2014
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