Stanislaw Solnik
Stanislaw Solnik
Associate Professor, University of North Georgia
在 ung.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Teager–Kaiser energy operator signal conditioning improves EMG onset detection
S Solnik, P Rider, K Steinweg, P DeVita, T Hortobágyi
European journal of applied physiology 110, 489-498, 2010
Interaction between age and gait velocity in the amplitude and timing of antagonist muscle coactivation
T Hortobágyi, S Solnik, A Gruber, P Rider, K Steinweg, J Helseth, ...
Gait & posture 29 (4), 558-564, 2009
Teager–Kaiser Operator improves the accuracy of EMG onset detection independent of signal-to-noise ratio
S Solnik, P DeVita, P Rider, B Long, T Hortobágyi
Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics/Wroclaw University of Technology 10 …, 2008
Association between muscle activation and metabolic cost of walking in young and old adults
T Hortobágyi, A Finch, S Solnik, P Rider, P DeVita
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2011
Ipsilateral motor cortical responses to TMS during lengthening and shortening of the contralateral wrist flexors
G Howatson, MB Taylor, P Rider, BR Motawar, MP McNally, S Solnik, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (5), 978-990, 2011
Anticipatory postural adjustments and anticipatory synergy adjustments: preparing to a postural perturbation with predictable and unpredictable direction
D Piscitelli, A Falaki, S Solnik, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 235, 713-730, 2017
Muscle work is biased toward energy generation over dissipation in non-level running
P DeVita, L Janshen, P Rider, S Solnik, T Hortobágyi
Journal of biomechanics 41 (16), 3354-3359, 2008
Mirror training augments the cross-education of strength and affects inhibitory paths
T Zult, G Howatson, S Goodall, K Thomas, S Solnik
American College of Sports Medicine, 2016
End-state comfort and joint configuration variance during reaching
S Solnik, N Pazin, CJ Coelho, DA Rosenbaum, JP Scholz, VM Zatsiorsky, ...
Experimental Brain Research 225, 431-442, 2013
Neuronal mechanisms of motor learning and motor memory consolidation in healthy old adults
KMM Berghuis, MP Veldman, S Solnik, G Koch, I Zijdewind, T Hortobágyi
Age 37, 1-18, 2015
Unintentional movements produced by back-coupling between the actual and referent body configurations: violations of equifinality in multi-joint positional tasks
T Zhou, S Solnik, YH Wu, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 232, 3847-3859, 2014
Direct and crossed effects of somatosensory electrical stimulation on motor learning and neuronal plasticity in humans
MP Veldman, I Zijdewind, S Solnik, NA Maffiuletti, KMM Berghuis, M Javet, ...
European journal of applied physiology 115, 2505-2519, 2015
Effects of visual feedback and memory on unintentional drifts in performance during finger-pressing tasks
S Solnik, M Qiao, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 235, 1149-1162, 2017
Equifinality and its violations in a redundant system: control with referent configurations in a multi-joint positional task
T Zhou, S Solnik, YH Wu, ML Latash
Motor Control 18 (4), 405-424, 2014
Force-stabilizing synergies in motor tasks involving two actors
S Solnik, S Reschechtko, YH Wu, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 233, 2935-2949, 2015
Unintentional drifts during quiet stance and voluntary body sway
O Rasouli, S Solnik, MP Furmanek, D Piscitelli, A Falaki, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 235, 2301-2316, 2017
EMG frequency during isometric, submaximal activity: a statistical model for biceps brachii
S Solnik, P DeVita, K Grzegorczyk, A Koziatek, T Bober
Acta Bioeng Biomech 12 (3), 21-28, 2010
Effects of fencing training on motor performance and asymmetry vary with handedness
M Witkowski, M Tomczak, K Karpowicz, S Solnik, A Przybyla
Journal of motor behavior, 2019
Interpersonal synergies: static prehension tasks performed by two actors
S Solnik, S Reschechtko, YH Wu, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 234, 2267-2282, 2016
Movement quality: a novel biomarker based on principles of neuroscience
S Solnik, MP Furmanek, D Piscitelli
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 34 (12), 1067-1077, 2020
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