Kirk Steffensen
Kirk Steffensen
Missouri River Program Manager - Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
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Assessment of hatchery-reared pallid sturgeon survival in the lower Missouri River
KD Steffensen, LA Powell, JD Koch
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (3), 671-678, 2010
Using mark–recapture information to validate and assess age and growth of long-lived fish species
MJ Hamel, JD Koch, KD Steffensen, MA Pegg, JJ Hammen, ML Rugg
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71 (4), 559-566, 2014
Pallid sturgeon size structure, condition, and growth in the Missouri River Basin
DA Shuman, RA Klumb, RH Wilson, ME Jaeger, T Haddix, WM Gardner, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (2), 269-281, 2011
Population size of hatchery-reared and wild pallid sturgeon in the lower Missouri River
KD Steffensen, LA Powell, MA Pegg
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32 (1), 159-166, 2012
Heterogeneous detection probabilities for imperiled Missouri River fishes: implications for large-river monitoring programs
JT Schloesser, CP Paukert, WJ Doyle, TD Hill, KD Steffensen, ...
Endangered Species Research 16 (3), 211-224, 2012
Range-wide age and growth characteristics of shovelnose sturgeon from mark–recapture data: implications for conservation and management
MJ Hamel, MA Pegg, RR Goforth, QE Phelps, KD Steffensen, JJ Hammen, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (1), 71-82, 2015
Validation of age estimates obtained from juvenile pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus pectoral fin spines
JD Koch, KD Steffensen, MA Pegg
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (2), 209-212, 2011
Fish assemblages at engineered and natural channel structures in the lower Missouri River: implications for modified dike structures
JT Schloesser, CP Paukert, WJ Doyle, TD Hill, KD Steffensen, ...
River Research and Applications 28 (10), 1695-1707, 2012
Population prediction and viability model for pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus, Forbes and Richardson, ) in the lower Missouri River
KD Steffensen, MA Pegg, G Mestl
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29 (5), 984-989, 2013
A comparison of gastrically and surgically implanted telemetry transmitters in shovelnose sturgeon
BC Neely, KD Steffensen, MA Pegg
Fisheries Management and Ecology 16 (4), 323-328, 2009
Fish community response to floodplain inundation in a regulated river
KD Steffensen, BL Eder, MA Pegg
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29 (3), 413-427, 2014
Assessment of pallid sturgeon relative condition in the upper channelized Missouri River
KD Steffensen, GE Mestl
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 31 (4), 583-595, 2016
The status of fishes in the Missouri River, Nebraska: Shoal chub (Macrhybopsis hyostoma), sturgeon chub (M. gelida), sicklefin chub (M. meeki), silver chub (M. storeriana …
KD Steffensen, DA Shuman, S Stukel
Population characteristics of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes & Richardson, )) in the Lower Missouri River
KD Steffensen, MA Pegg, GE Mestl
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29 (4), 687-695, 2013
The sport fish restoration program as a funding source to manage and monitor bowfishing and monitor inland commercial fisheries
DL Scarnecchia, JD Schooley, AR Lackmann, SJ Rider, DK Riecke, ...
Fisheries 46 (12), 595-604, 2021
Uncovering unique plasticity in life history of an endangered centenarian fish
MJ Hamel, JJ Spurgeon, KD Steffensen, MA Pegg
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 12866, 2020
Evidence of limited recruitment of pallid sturgeon in the lower Missouri River
KD Steffensen, KA Chojnacki, JA Kalie, ML Bartron, EJ Heist, KR Winders, ...
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10 (2), 336-345, 2019
Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tag retention from two tagging locations in juvenile Pallid Sturgeon
MJ Hamel, KD Steffensen, JJ Hammen, MA Pegg
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29 (1), 41-43, 2013
Post‐stocking pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus growth, dispersal, and survival in the lower Missouri River
KD Steffensen, MJ Hamel, JJ Spurgeon
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35 (1), 117-127, 2019
Comparison of green and white mesh trammel nets and gill nets to assess the fish community in a large river
GA Wanner, RA Klumb, DA Shuman, K Steffensen, S Stukel, NJ Utrup
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (1), 12-25, 2010
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