Lene Rostgaard Nielsen
Lene Rostgaard Nielsen
在 ign.ku.dk 的电子邮件经过验证
Towards domestication of Jatropha curcas
WMJ Achten, LR Nielsen, R Aerts, AG Lengkeek, ED Kjær, A Trabucco, ...
Biofuels 1 (1), 91-107, 2010
The ash dieback crisis: genetic variation in resistance can prove a long‐term solution
LV McKinney, LR Nielsen, DB Collinge, IM Thomsen, JK Hansen, ...
Plant Pathology 63 (3), 485-499, 2014
Presence of natural genetic resistance in Fraxinus excelsior (Oleraceae) to Chalara fraxinea (Ascomycota): an emerging infectious disease
LV McKinney, LR Nielsen, JK Hansen, ED Kjær
Heredity 106 (5), 788-797, 2011
Genome sequence and genetic diversity of European ash trees
ESA Sollars, AL Harper, LJ Kelly, CM Sambles, RH Ramirez-Gonzalez, ...
Nature 541 (7636), 212-216, 2017
Adaptive potential of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) populations against the novel emerging pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus
ED Kjær, LV McKinney, LR Nielsen, LN Hansen, JK Hansen
Evolutionary applications 5 (3), 219-228, 2012
The Use of DNA Barcoding in Identification and Conservation of Rosewood (Dalbergia spp.)
I Hartvig, M Czako, ED Kjær, LR Nielsen, I Theilade
PLoS One 10 (9), e0138231, 2015
Genetic resistance to Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus limits fungal growth and symptom occurrence in Fraxinus excelsior
LV McKinney, IM Thomsen, ED Kjær, LR Nielsen
Forest Pathology 42 (1), 69-74, 2012
Molecular markers for tolerance of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) to dieback disease identified using Associative Transcriptomics
AL Harper, LV McKinney, LR Nielsen, L Havlickova, Y Li, M Trick, F Fraser, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19335, 2016
Rapid invasion by an aggressive pathogenic fungus (Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus) replaces a native decomposer (Hymenoscyphus albidus): a case of local cryptic extinction?
LV McKinney, IM Thomsen, ED Kjær, SBK Bengtsson, LR Nielsen
Fungal Ecology 5 (6), 663-669, 2012
Structure of a plant-pollinator network on a pahoehoe lava desert of the Galápagos Islands
NLR Philipp, Marianne, Böcher, Jens, Siegismund Hans R
Ecography 29 (4), 531-540, 2006
Fungal communities associated with species of Fraxinus tolerant to ash dieback, and their potential for biological control
C Kosawang, DB Amby, B Bussaban, LV McKinney, J Xu, ED Kjær, ...
Fungal Biology 122 (2-3), 110-120, 2018
Genetic variation in dieback resistance in Fraxinus excelsior confirmed by progeny inoculation assay
A Lobo, LV McKinney, JK Hansen, ED Kjær, LR Nielsen
Forest Pathology 45 (5), 379-387, 2015
Natural hybridization between Vanilla claviculata (W. Wright) Sw. and V. barbellata Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae): genetic, morphological, and pollination experimental data
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 133 (3), 285-302, 2000
The susceptibility of Asian, European and North American Fraxinus species to the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus reflects their phylogenetic …
LR Nielsen, LV McKinney, AM Hietala, ED Kjær
European Journal of Forest Research 136, 59-73, 2017
Hybridization between Quercus robur and Q. petraea in a mixed oak stand in Denmark
J Jensen, A Larsen, LR Nielsen, J Cottrell
Annals of Forest Science 66 (7), 1-12, 2009
Molecular differentiation within and among island populations of the endemic plant Scalesia affinis (Asteraceae) from the Galápagos Islands
LR Nielsen
Heredity 93 (5), 434-442, 2004
Interspecific differentiation and hybridization in Vanilla species (Orchidaceae)
LR Nielsen, HR Siegismund
Heredity 83 (5), 560-567, 1999
Partial self-incompatibility in the polyploid endemic species Scalesia affinis (Asteraceae) from the Galápagos: remnants of a self-incompatibility system?
LR Nielsen, HR Siegismund, M Philipp
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 142 (1), 93-101, 2003
Polyploidy can Confer Superiority to West African Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Trees
AM Diallo, LR Nielsen, ED Kjær, KK Petersen, A Ræbild
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 821, 2016
Genetic variation in dieback resistance: growth and survival of Fraxinus excelsior under the influence of Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus
A Lobo, JK Hansen, LV McKinney, LR Nielsen, ED Kjær
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29 (6), 519-526, 2014
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