Dr Brian Lovell
Dr Brian Lovell
Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Northumbria University
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With a little help from my friends: Psychological, endocrine and health corollaries of social support in parental caregivers of children with autism or ADHD
B Lovell, M Moss, MA Wetherell
Research in developmental disabilities 33 (2), 682-687, 2012
The psychosocial, endocrine and immune consequences of caring for a child with autism or ADHD
B Lovell, M Moss, M Wetherell
Psychoneuroendocrinology 37 (4), 534-542, 2012
The cost of caregiving: endocrine and immune implications in elderly and non elderly caregivers
B Lovell, MA Wetherell
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 35 (6), 1342-1352, 2011
The psychophysiological impact of childhood autism spectrum disorder on siblings
B Lovell, MA Wetherell
Research in developmental disabilities 49, 226-234, 2016
Perceived stress, common health complaints and diurnal patterns of cortisol secretion in young, otherwise healthy individuals
B Lovell, M Moss, MA Wetherell
Hormones and behavior 60 (3), 301-305, 2011
The role of social-cognitive and emotional factors on exclusive breastfeeding duration
L Shepherd, C Walbey, B Lovell
Journal of human lactation 33 (3), 606-613, 2017
The effects of an anticipated challenge on diurnal cortisol secretion
MA Wetherell, B Lovell, MA Smith
Stress 18 (1), 42-48, 2015
The psychophysiological and health corollaries of child problem behaviours in caregivers of children with autism and ADHD
B Lovell, M Moss, MA Wetherell
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 59 (2), 150-157, 2015
Memory failures for everyday tasks in caregivers of children with autism
B Lovell, H Elliot, CCS Liu, MA Wetherell
Research in Developmental Disabilities 35 (11), 3057-3061, 2014
Affiliate stigma, perceived social support and perceived stress in caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder: A multiple mediation study
B Lovell, MA Wetherell
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 33 (5), 31-35, 2019
Child behaviour problems mediate the association between coping and perceived stress in caregivers of children with autism
B Lovell, MA Wetherell
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 20, 17-23, 2015
Assessing the feasibility and efficacy of written benefit-finding for caregivers of children with autism: A pilot study
B Lovell, M Moss, MA Wetherell
Journal of Family Studies 22 (1), 32-42, 2016
Caregivers’ characteristics and family constellation variables as predictors of affiliate stigma in caregivers of children with ASD
B Lovell, MA Wetherell
Psychiatry Research 270, 426-429, 2018
Behaviour problems of children with ASD and perceived stress in their caregivers: The moderating role of trait emotional intelligence?
B Lovell, MA Wetherell
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 28, 1-6, 2016
Burnout in UK prison officers: the role of personality
B Lovell, R Brown
The Prison Journal 97 (6), 713-728, 2017
Exploring the moderating role of benefit finding on the relationship between child problematic behaviours and psychological distress in caregivers of children with ASD
B Lovell, MA Wetherell
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50 (2), 617-624, 2020
Sleep disturbances and physical health problems in caregivers of children with ASD
B Lovell, GJ Elder, MA Wetherell
Research in Developmental Disabilities 113, 103932, 2021
The role of social–cognitive and emotional factors on testicular self‐examination
L Shepherd, C Watt, B Lovell
Psycho‐Oncology 26 (1), 53-59, 2017
Barriers to cervical screening participation in high-risk women
B Lovell, MA Wetherell, L Shepherd
Journal of Public Health 23, 57-61, 2015
Predicting potentially harmful psychological and physical behaviours by parental caregivers toward children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
B Lovell
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 2422-2429, 2018
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