Sungmin BAE
Web mining for distance education
SH Ha, SM Bae, SC Park
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of …, 2000
Customer's time-variant purchase behavior and corresponding marketing strategies: an online retailer's case
SH Ha, SM Bae, SC Park
Computers & Industrial Engineering 43 (4), 801-820, 2002
Visualization method for customer targeting using customer map
JY Woo, SM Bae, SC Park
Expert Systems with Applications 28 (4), 763-772, 2005
Fuzzy web ad selector based on web usage mining
SM Bae, SC Park, SH Ha
IEEE intelligent Systems 18 (6), 62-69, 2003
A web-based system for analyzing the voices of call center customers in the service industry
SM Bae, SH Ha, SC Park
Expert Systems with Applications 28 (1), 29-41, 2005
How to persuade an online gamer to give up cheating? Uniting elaboration likelihood model and signaling theory
L Wang, L Fan, SM Bae
Computers in Human Behavior 96, 149-162, 2019
Keeping track of customer life cycle to build customer relationship
SH Ha, SM Bae
International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 372-379, 2006
Interrelation analysis of UGV operational capability and combat effectiveness using anylogic simulation
J Lee, S Shin, J Kim, S Bae, C Kim
Journal of Applied Reliability 15 (2), 131-138, 2015
How to avoid the free shipping pitfall? Changing consumer attitudes from the perspective of information interaction
L Wang, S Bae
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 100996, 2020
Extracting Priorities of Strategic Components of Product Liability Response System using AHP
S JunHyeok, K BokSoo, SM Bae
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 42 (2), 235, 2014
Conceptual modeling with neural network for giftedness identification and education
KH Im, TH Kim, SM Bae, SC Park
Advances in Natural Computation: First International Conference, ICNC 2005 …, 2005
Development of the roll type incremental micro pattern imprint system for large area pattern replication
JH Song, HJ Lee, S Lan, NK Lee, GA Lee, TJ Lee, S Choi, SM Bae
Precision Assembly Technologies and Systems: 5th IFIP WG 5.5 International …, 2010
A survey study of the combat effectiveness analysis models and future research areas
J Kim, K Park, J Lee, S Bae, J Pyun, CM Kim
Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 19 (4), 305-315, 2014
A study of experimental design for unmanned ground vehicle effectiveness based on a small unit combat scenario
J Lee, C Kim, K Park, J Kim, S Sin, J Pyun, S Bae
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 42 (4), 591, 2014
A Study on Simulation of future ground system effectiveness analysis model with communication effects
S Shin, J Lee, S Bae, C Kim
Journal of Applied Reliability 17 (2), 168-180, 2017
Literature Review on the Quality Innovation in KSQM for 50 years
C Kim, U Jung, JH Seo, SM Bae
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 44 (1), 17-28, 2016
Identifying industry-specific components of product liability response system using Delphi-AHP method
JH Seo, SM Bae
Management and Production Engineering Review 7 (4), 27-38, 2016
Statistical Analysis of Korean Welding Industry (II)
CH Kim, MJ Kang, SM Bae
Journal of Welding and Joining 26 (6), 8-11, 2008
Well-being store: a new channel in u-commerce for insurance industry
JH Suh, SM Bae, SC Park
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: Third International Conference, UIC …, 2006
Intelligent Plant: Smart Factory
Review of Korea Contents Association 15 (2), 21-24, 2017
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