Kevin Esterling
Kevin Esterling
Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, UC Riverside
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Who wants to deliberate—and why?
MA Neblo, KM Esterling, RP Kennedy, DMJ Lazer, AE Sokhey
American Political Science Review 104 (3), 566-583, 2010
Promoting transparency in social science research
E Miguel, C Camerer, K Casey, J Cohen, KM Esterling, A Gerber, ...
Science 343 (6166), 30-31, 2014
The political economy of expertise: Information and efficiency in American national politics
K Esterling
University of Michigan Press, 2004
Friends, brokers, and transitivity: Who informs whom in Washington politics?
DP Carpenter, KM Esterling, DMJ Lazer
The journal of Politics 66 (1), 224-246, 2004
Politics with the people: Building a directly representative democracy
MA Neblo, KM Esterling, DMJ Lazer
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Initial evidence of research quality of registered reports compared with the standard publishing model
CK Soderberg, TM Errington, SR Schiavone, J Bottesini, FS Thorn, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 5 (8), 990-997, 2021
The strength of weak ties in lobbying networks: Evidence from health-care politics in the United States
DP Carpenter, KM Esterling, DMJ Lazer
Journal of Theoretical Politics 10 (4), 417-444, 1998
Buying expertise: Campaign contributions and attention to policy analysis in congressional committees
KM Esterling
American Political Science Review 101 (1), 93-109, 2007
The strength of strong ties: A model of contact-making in policy networks with evidence from US health politics
D Carpenter, K Esterling, D Lazer
Rationality and Society 15 (4), 411-440, 2003
Means, motive, and opportunity in becoming informed about politics: A deliberative field experiment with members of Congress and their constituents
KM Esterling, MA Neblo, DMJ Lazer
Public opinion quarterly 75 (3), 483-503, 2011
Field experiment evidence of substantive, attributional, and behavioral persuasion by members of Congress in online town halls
W Minozzi, MA Neblo, KM Esterling, DMJ Lazer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (13), 3937-3942, 2015
How much disagreement is good for democratic deliberation?
KM Esterling, A Fung, T Lee
Political Communication 32 (4), 529-551, 2015
“Deliberative disagreement” in US health policy committee hearings
KM Esterling
Legislative Studies Quarterly 36 (2), 169-198, 2011
Pharmaceutical drugs chatter on online social networks
MT Wiley, C Jin, V Hristidis, KM Esterling
Journal of biomedical informatics 49, 245-254, 2014
Online Town Hall Meetings–Exploring Democracy in the 21st Century
D Lazer, M Neblo, K Esterling, K Goldschmidt
Congressional Management Foundation, Washington, DC, 2009
Judicial Accountability the Right Way: official performance evaluations help the electorate as well as the bench
KM Esterling
Judicature 82, 206, 1998
Estimating treatment effects in the presence of noncompliance and nonresponse: The generalized endogenous treatment model
KM Esterling, MA Neblo, DMJ Lazer
Political Analysis 19 (2), 205-226, 2011
Expanding the conversation: Multiplier effects from a deliberative field experiment
DM Lazer, AE Sokhey, MA Neblo, KM Esterling, R Kennedy
Political Communication 32 (4), 552-573, 2015
Illegality, national origin cues, and public opinion on immigration
K Ramakrishnan, K Esterling, M Neblo, D Lazer
Unpublished Manuscript accessed online at http://politicalscience. osu. edu …, 2010
Diversity and the judicial merit selection process: a statistical report
KM Esterling, SS Andersen
Research on Judicial Selection 2, 2-39, 1999
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