Carol M Schall
Carol M Schall
Associate Professor of Special Education, Virginia Commonwealth University
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Transition from school to adulthood for youth with autism spectrum disorder: What we know and what we need to know
P Wehman, C Schall, S Carr, P Targett, M West, G Cifu
Journal of Disability Policy Studies 25 (1), 30-40, 2014
Competitive employment for youth with autism spectrum disorders: Early results from a randomized clinical trial
PH Wehman, CM Schall, J McDonough, J Kregel, V Brooke, A Molinelli, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 44, 487-500, 2014
Project SEARCH for youth with autism spectrum disorders: Increasing competitive employment on transition from high school
P Wehman, C Schall, J McDonough, A Molinelli, E Riehle, W Ham, ...
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 15 (3), 144-155, 2013
Effects of an employer based intervention on employment outcomes for youth with significant support needs due to autism
P Wehman, C Schall, J McDonough, C Graham, V Brooke, JE Riehle, ...
Autism, 1-15, 2016
Employment for adults with autism spectrum disorders: A retrospective review of a customized employment approach
P Wehman, V Brooke, AM Brooke, W Ham, C Schall, J McDonough, S Lau, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 53, 61-72, 2016
Autism spectrum disorders in adolescence and early adulthood: Characteristics and issues
CM Schall, JT McDonough
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 32 (2), 81-88, 2010
Family perspectives on raising a child with autism
C Schall
Journal of child and family studies 9 (4), 409-424, 2000
Competitive employment for transition-aged youth with significant impact from autism: A multi-site randomized clinical trial
P Wehman, C Schall, J McDonough, A Sima, A Brooke, W Ham, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 50, 1882-1897, 2020
Autism and the Transition to Adulthood: Success beyond the Classroom.
P Wehman, MD Smith, C Schall
Brookes Publishing Company, 2009
Employment interventions for individuals with ASD: The relative efficacy of supported employment with or without prior Project SEARCH training
CM Schall, P Wehman, V Brooke, C Graham, J McDonough, A Brooke, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45, 3990-4001, 2015
Transition from school to work for students with autism spectrum disorders: Understanding the process and achieving better outcomes
C Schall, P Wehman, JL McDonough
Pediatric Clinics 59 (1), 189-202, 2012
Positive behavior support: Supporting adults with autism spectrum disorders in the workplace
CM Schall
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 32 (2), 109-115, 2010
Employees with autism spectrum disorder achieving long-term employment success: A retrospective review of employment retention and intervention
V Brooke, AM Brooke, C Schall, P Wehman, J McDonough, K Thompson, ...
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 43 (3), 181-193, 2018
Applications for youth with autism spectrum disorders
C Schall, E Cortijo-Doval, PS Targett, P Wehman, P Wehman
Life beyond the classroom: Transition strategies for young people with …, 2006
The Americans with Disabilities Act–are we keeping our promise? An analysis of the effect of the ADA on the employment of persons with disabilities
CM Schall
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 10 (3), 191-203, 1998
Competitive integrated employment for youth and adults with autism: Findings from a scoping review
C Schall, P Wehman, L Avellone, JP Taylor
Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America 29 (2), 373-397, 2020
Transition from high school to adulthood for adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders
C Schall, P Wehman, S Carr
Adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders, 41-60, 2014
Helping high school-aged military dependents with autism gain employment through project SEARCH+ ASD supports
HN Whittenburg, CM Schall, P Wehman, J McDonough, T DuBois
Military Medicine 185 (Supplement_1), 663-668, 2020
Employment supports for young adults with autism spectrum disorder: Two case studies
W Ham, J McDonough, A Molinelli, C Schall, P Wehman
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 40 (2), 117-124, 2014
The effect of business internships model and employment on enhancing the independence of young adults with significant impact from autism
C Schall, AP Sima, L Avellone, P Wehman, J McDonough, A Brown
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 58 (4), 301-313, 2020
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