Rafid Mahmood
Rafid Mahmood
University of Ottawa, NVIDIA
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Knowledge‐based automated planning with three‐dimensional generative adversarial networks
A Babier, R Mahmood, AL McNiven, A Diamant, TCY Chan
Medical physics 47 (2), 297-306, 2020
Automated treatment planning in radiation therapy using generative adversarial networks
R Mahmood, A Babier, A McNiven, A Diamant, TCY Chan
Machine learning for healthcare conference, 484-499, 2018
OpenKBP: the open‐access knowledge‐based planning grand challenge and dataset
A Babier, B Zhang, R Mahmood, KL Moore, TG Purdie, AL McNiven, ...
Medical Physics 48 (9), 5549-5561, 2021
Inverse optimization: Theory and applications
TCY Chan, R Mahmood, IY Zhu
Operations Research, 2023
An ensemble learning framework for model fitting and evaluation in inverse linear optimization
A Babier, TCY Chan, T Lee, R Mahmood, D Terekhov
Informs Journal on Optimization 3 (2), 119-138, 2021
Convolutional codes with maximum column sum rank for network streaming
R Mahmood, A Badr, A Khisti
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62 (6), 3039-3052, 2016
Low budget active learning via wasserstein distance: An integer programming approach
R Mahmood, S Fidler, MT Law
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.02968, 2021
The importance of evaluating the complete automated knowledge-based planning pipeline
A Babier, R Mahmood, AL McNiven, A Diamant, TCY Chan
Physica Medica 72, 73-79, 2020
Predicting postoperative cochlear implant performance using supervised machine learning
MG Crowson, P Dixon, R Mahmood, JW Lee, D Shipp, T Le, V Lin, J Chen, ...
Otology & Neurotology 41 (8), e1013-e1023, 2020
OpenKBP-Opt: an international and reproducible evaluation of 76 knowledge-based planning pipelines
A Babier, R Mahmood, B Zhang, VGL Alves, AM Barragán-Montero, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 67 (18), 185012, 2022
Optimizing data collection for machine learning
R Mahmood, J Lucas, JM Alvarez, S Fidler, M Law
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 29915-29928, 2022
How much more data do i need? estimating requirements for downstream tasks
R Mahmood, J Lucas, D Acuna, D Li, J Philion, JM Alvarez, Z Yu, S Fidler, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
AutoAudio: deep learning for automatic audiogram interpretation
MG Crowson, JW Lee, A Hamour, R Mahmood, A Babier, V Lin, DL Tucci, ...
Journal of Medical Systems 44, 1-7, 2020
Streaming codes for multiplicative-matrix channels with burst rank loss
R Mahmood, A Badr, A Khisti
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (7), 5296-5311, 2017
Rank metric convolutional codes with applications in network streaming
R Mahmood
University of Toronto (Canada), 2015
Predicting protein and fat content in human donor milk using machine learning
RK Wong, MA Pitino, R Mahmood, IY Zhu, D Stone, DL O'Connor, ...
The Journal of Nutrition 151 (7), 2075-2083, 2021
Learning to Optimize Contextually Constrained Problems for Real-Time Decision Generation
A Babier, TCY Chan, A Diamant, R Mahmood
Management Science, 2024
Bridging the sim2real gap with care: Supervised detection adaptation with conditional alignment and reweighting
V Prabhu, D Acuna, A Liao, R Mahmood, MT Law, J Hoffman, S Fidler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04832, 2023
Got (optimal) milk? Pooling donations in human milk banks with machine learning and optimization
TCY Chan, R Mahmood, DL O’Connor, D Stone, S Unger, RK Wong, ...
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2023
Sampling from the complement of a polyhedron: An MCMC algorithm for data augmentation
TCY Chan, A Diamant, R Mahmood
Operations Research Letters 48 (6), 744-751, 2020
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