Sergio Jiménez Manchón
Sergio Jiménez Manchón
Institució Milà i Fontanals - CSIC
在 imf.csic.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Analysis of seasonal mobility of sheep in Iron Age Catalonia (north-eastern Spain) based on strontium and oxygen isotope analysis from tooth enamel: First results
S Valenzuela-Lamas, S Jiménez-Manchón, J Evans, D López, R Jornet, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6, 828-836, 2016
Shipping amphorae and shipping sheep? Livestock mobility in the north-east Iberian peninsula during the Iron Age based on strontium isotopic analyses of sheep and goat tooth enamel
S Valenzuela-Lamas, HA Orengo, D Bosch, M Pellegrini, P Halstead, ...
PloS one 13 (10), e0205283, 2018
The impact of sediment abrasion on tooth microwear analysis: an experimental study
A Uzunidis, A Pineda, S Jimenez-Manchon, A Xafis, V Ollivier, F Rivals
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 1-17, 2021
Reconstruction of caprine management and landscape use through dental microwear analysis: the case of the Iron Age site of El Turó de la Font de la Canya (Barcelona, Spain)
S Jiménez-Manchón, S Valenzuela-Lamas, I Cáceres, H Orengo, ...
Environmental Archaeology 24 (3), 306-316, 2019
Discriminating management strategies in modern and archaeological domestic caprines using low-magnification and confocal dental microwear analyses
JJ Ibáñez, S Jiménez-Manchón, É Blaise, A Nieto-Espinet, ...
Quaternary International 557, 23-38, 2020
Exploring low-magnification dental microwear of domestic ungulates: Qualitative observations to infer palaeodiets
S Jiménez-Manchón, E Blaise, A Gardeisen
Quaternary International 557, 12-22, 2020
Quantitative dental mesowear analysis in domestic Caprids: a new method to reconstruct management strategies
S Jiménez-Manchón, É Blaise, M Albesso, A Gardeisen, F Rivals
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 29 (2), 540-560, 2022
ZooMS confirms geometric morphometrics species identification of ancient sheep and goat
M Jeanjean, K McGrath, S Valenzuela-Lamas, A Nieto-Espinet, ...
Royal Society open science 10 (9), 230672, 2023
Assessing diet and animal mobility in Iron Age Languedoc, southern France: New insights from a multiproxy approach
S Jiménez-Manchón, S Valenzuela-Lamas, F Rivals, A Nieto-Espinet, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 50, 104060, 2023
Pratiques d'élevage entre l'Empordà et le Languedoc à l'âge du Fer: archéozoologie, alimentation animale et saisonnalité
SJ Manchon
Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III, 2020
Consum carni i artesanat en os als afores del Puig de Sant Andreu: el jaciment ibèric del Camp d'en Gou, Gorg d'en Batlle (Ullastret, Baix Empordà)
SV Lamas, LV Suau, SJ Manchón, FC Falgas, RP Mallart, A Martín
Empúries, 7-26, 2017
A combined approach to reconstructing livestock management in Iron Age north-eastern Iberia: estimating the season of death and palaeodiet using cementochronology and dental …
S Jiménez-Manchón, F Rivals, L Gourichon, G De Prado, F Codina, ...
Archaeofauna, International Journal of archaeozoology 32 (1), 2023
Discriminating dietary behaviour between wild and domestic goats using dental microwear texture: first results from a modern reference set and early Neolithic goat exploitation …
JM Sergio, L Gourichon, J Muñiz, JJ Ibáñez
Journal of Archaeological Science 155, 105779, 2023
Can bone surface modifications help to identify livestock pens? The case of the Iron Age settlement of El Turó de la Font de la Canya (Barcelona, Spain)
S Jiménez-Manchón, I Cáceres, S Valenzuela-Lamas, D López, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 1-16, 2020
Palaeodietary reconstruction of wild and domestic goats using dental microwear texture analysis. A case study from two early Neolithic sites in the southern Levant
S Jiménez-Manchón, L Gourichon, RM Arbogast, A Evin, M Meister, ...
Historical Biology, 1-18, 2024
Comparative analysis of confocal microscopy objective magnifications on dental microwear texture Analysis. Implications for dietary reconstruction in caprines
S Jiménez-Manchón, L Gourichon, LM Martínez, F Estebaranz-Sánchez, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 58, 104716, 2024
Pràctiques ramaderes i consum carni al jaciment ibèric (segles V-II ane) de l’Assut (Tivenys, Baix Ebre). L’estudi arqueozoològic del recinte A16/A17
S Jiménez-Manchón, I Cáceres, J Diloli
Revista d'arqueologia de Ponent, 77-92, 2023
Alimentation et gestion pastorale des caprinés chez les Grecs et les Ibères du vie au ive siècle av. n. è. à l’Empordà (nord-est de la péninsule Ibérique). Nouvelles …
S Jiménez-Manchón, F Rivals, A Gardeisen, S Valenzuela‐lamas, ...
Hommes et caprinés: de la montagne à la steppe, de la chasse à l'élevage, 2019
Resultats de la primera intervenció arqueològica al jaciment protohistòric del Planot de la Timba de Sta. Bàrbara (Castellet i la Gornal, Alt Penedès)
D Lopez-Reyes, S Jiménez-Manchón
IV Tromada d'Estudiosos del Foix, 2016
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