Gehirnforschung und die Schule des Lebens M Spitzer Heidelberg/Berling, 2002 | 1801 | 2002 |
Digitale demenz M Spitzer Nervenheilkunde 31 (07/08), 493-497, 2012 | 1105 | 2012 |
Brain activation during human navigation: gender-different neural networks as substrate of performance G Grön, AP Wunderlich, M Spitzer, R Tomczak, MW Riepe Nature neuroscience 3 (4), 404-408, 2000 | 881 | 2000 |
Lernen M Spitzer Gehirnforschung und die Schule des Lebens. Heidelberg: Spektrum, 2002 | 829 | 2002 |
The neural signature of social norm compliance M Spitzer, U Fischbacher, B Herrnberger, G Grön, E Fehr Neuron 56 (1), 185-196, 2007 | 728 | 2007 |
Geist im Netz: Modelle für Lernen, Denken und Handeln M Spitzer Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1996 | 694 | 1996 |
Vorsicht Bildschirm! M Spitzer Klett, 2005 | 584 | 2005 |
Cultural objects modulate reward circuitry S Erk, M Spitzer, AP Wunderlich, L Galley, H Walter Neuroreport 13 (18), 2499-2503, 2002 | 582 | 2002 |
Musik im Kopf: hören, musizieren, verstehen und erleben im neuronalen Netzwerk M Spitzer Schattauer Verlag, 2014 | 522 | 2014 |
Prediction error as a linear function of reward probability is coded in human nucleus accumbens B Abler, H Walter, S Erk, H Kammerer, M Spitzer Neuroimage 31 (2), 790-795, 2006 | 497 | 2006 |
A cognitive neuroscience view of schizophrenic thought disorder M Spitzer Schizophrenia Bulletin 23 (1), 29-50, 1997 | 476 | 1997 |
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in therapy studies: examination of the reliability of “standard” coil positioning by neuronavigation U Herwig, F Padberg, J Unger, M Spitzer, C Schönfeldt-Lecuona Biological psychiatry 50 (1), 58-61, 2001 | 447 | 2001 |
Associative semantic network dysfunction in thought-disordered schizophrenic patients: direct evidence from indirect semantic priming M Spitzer, U Braun, L Hermle, S Maier Biological psychiatry 34 (12), 864-877, 1993 | 440 | 1993 |
Emotional context modulates subsequent memory effect S Erk, M Kiefer, J Grothe, AP Wunderlich, M Spitzer, H Walter Neuroimage 18 (2), 439-447, 2003 | 436 | 2003 |
The time course of brain activations during response inhibition: evidence from event-related potentials in a go/no go task M Kiefer, F Marzinzik, M Weisbrod, M Scherg, M Spitzer Neuroreport 9 (4), 765-770, 1998 | 392 | 1998 |
On defining delusions M Spitzer Comprehensive psychiatry 31 (5), 377-397, 1990 | 328 | 1990 |
Jak uczy się mózg M Spitzer, M Guzowska-Dąbrowska, M Jagodzińska Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2014 | 319 | 2014 |
Aerobic endurance exercise benefits memory and affect in young adults S Stroth, K Hille, M Spitzer, R Reinhardt Neuropsychological rehabilitation 19 (2), 223-243, 2009 | 319 | 2009 |
Digitalna demenca M Spitzer Zveza društev slepih in slabovidnih Slovenije, 2017 | 302 | 2017 |
The self in neuroscience and psychiatry T Kircher, AS David Cambridge University Press, 2003 | 288 | 2003 |