Stefan Lie
Stefan Lie
在 uts.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Interactive infrastructures: physical rehabilitation modules for pervasive healthcare technology
AJ Bongers, S Smith, V Donker, M Pickrell, R Hall, S Lie
Pervasive Health: State-of-the-art and Beyond, 229-254, 2014
Developing strategic leadership and innovation capability for manufacturing SMEs transitioning to digital manufacturing technology
R Walden, S Lie, B Pandolfo, A Nemme
Leadership styles, innovation, and social entrepreneurship in the era of …, 2020
Smart Hoist: An Assistive Robot to Aid Carers
L Ranasinghe, R., Dantanarayana, L., Tran, A., Lie, S., Behrens, M. & Liu
IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision …, 2014
University–industry collaboration in frugal innovation through prototyping: The case of a firefighter cooling vest
R Walden, S Lie
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 68 (3), 725-738, 2020
Design research units and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs): An approach for advancing technology and competitive strength in Australia
R Walden, S Lie, B Pandolfo, T Lee, C Lockhart
The Design Journal 21 (2), 247-265, 2018
A cooperative approach to the design of an Operator Control Unit for a semi-autonomous grit-blasting robot
S Lie, D Liu, B Bongers
Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA), 2012
Evolving a university product design program: An approach for contemporary design practice
S Lie, R Walden
Website proceedings of TENZ, 2015
The academic design practitioner
R Walden, B Pandolfo, S Lie, C Lockhart
Creative Practice Conference, 2015
Robotic grit-blasting: Engineering challenges
PB Manamperi, PA Brooks, W Kaluarachchi, G Peters, A Ho, S Lie, A To, ...
Austroads Bridge Conference, 8th, 2011, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2011
Assisting Product Designers with Balaancing Strength and Surface Texture of Handheld Products Made from 3D Printed Polymers
S Lie
PQDT-Global, 2020
Design Knowledge Development and Additive Manufacturing Systems: How Does Design Knowledge Change With Design for AM?
R Walden, S Lie
Handbook of Research on Industrial Advancement in Scientific Knowledge, 205-222, 2019
The Imperfect Aesthetic
S Lie, B Pandolfo, R Walden
Provocative Plastics: Their Value in Design and Material Culture, 109-124, 2020
A Product System for Meaningful Work, Rehabilitation, and Social Well-Being in Correctional Contexts
A Nemme, B Pandolfo, R Walden, S Lie
Maintaining Social Well-Being and Meaningful Work in a Highly Automated Job …, 2020
Research Prototyping, University-Industry Collaboration and the value of Annotated Portfolios
R Walden, S Lie, B Pandolfo, A Nemme
Cumulus Paris 2018: To get there together, designing together, 2018
A cooperative design approach to the design of interactive devices for small, specialized user groups
S Lie
Product Design Education in the Wake of COVID-19: New Technologies Enabling Experiential Learning Relevant to Future Practices
A Nemme, B Pandolfo, R Walden, S Lie
Applied Degree Education and the Future of Learning, 317-345, 2022
Imperfect Aesthetic: How the changing use of plastic in objects has changed our perception of it.
R Walden, C Lockhart, S Lie, B Pandolfo
Provocative Plastics, 2015
GRW Coolme Vest: Emergency Firefighting Equipment
RJ Walden, S Lie
GRW Coolme Vest: Emergency Firefighting Equipment, 2010
GRW Cooling Vest
RJ Walden, S Lie
n/a, 2009
MTB Multi-tool Design; Office desktop accessories.
RJ Walden, S Lie
Convergence, 2008
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