Xin Zhou
A 3D fractional elastoplastic constitutive model for concrete material
D Lu, X Zhou, X Du, G Wang
International Journal of Solids and Structures 165, 160-175, 2019
A 3D non-orthogonal plastic damage model for concrete
X Zhou, D Lu, X Du, G Wang, F Meng
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 360, 112716, 2020
An open-source unconstrained stress updating algorithm for the modified Cam-clay model
X Zhou, D Lu, Y Zhang, X Du, T Rabczuk
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 390, 114356, 2022
A true 3D frictional hardening elastoplastic constitutive model of concrete based on a unified hardening/softening function
G Wang, D Lu, X Du, X Zhou, S Cao
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 119, 250-273, 2018
Non-orthogonal elastoplastic constitutive model with the critical state for clay
J Liang, D Lu, X Zhou, X Du, W Wu
Computers and Geotechnics 116, 103200, 2019
A dynamic elastoplastic model of concrete based on a modeling method with environmental factors as constitutive variables
D Lu, F Meng, X Zhou, Y Zhuo, Z Gao, X Du
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 149 (12), 04023102, 2023
Double scalar variables plastic-damage model for concrete
D Lu, F Meng, X Zhou, G Wang, X Du
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 148 (2), 04021143, 2022
3D dynamic elastoplastic constitutive model of concrete within the framework of rate-dependent consistency condition
D Lu, X Zhou, X Du, G Wang
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (11), 04020124, 2020
A cohesion-friction combined hardening plastic model of concrete with the nonorthogonal flow rule: Theory and numerical implementation
D Lu, C Su, X Zhou, G Wang, X Du
Construction and Building Materials 325, 126586, 2022
An implicit stress update algorithm for the plastic nonlocal damage model of concrete
C Su, D Lu, X Zhou, G Wang, X Zhuang, X Du
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 414, 116189, 2023
A stress-path-independent damage variable for concrete under multiaxial stress conditions
G Wang, D Lu, X Zhou, Y Wu, X Du, Y Xiao
International Journal of Solids and Structures 206, 59-74, 2020
An unconstrained stress updating algorithm with the line search method for elastoplastic soil models
X Zhou, D Lu, C Su, Z Gao, X Du
Computers and Geotechnics 143, 104592, 2022
Dynamic multiaxial strength criterion for concrete based on strain rate-dependent strength parameters
G Wang, D Lu, X Du, X Zhou
J. Eng. Mech 144 (5), 4018018, 2018
A robust stress update algorithm for elastoplastic models without analytical derivation of the consistent tangent operator and loading/unloading estimation
D Lu, Y Zhang, X Zhou, C Su, Z Gao, X Du
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2023
Static–dynamic combined multiaxial strength criterion for concrete
G Wang, D Lu, M Li, X Zhou, J Wang, X Du
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 147 (5), 04021017, 2021
A developed 3D peridynamic method incorporating non-conservative force for brittle materials
D Lu, Z Song, G Wang, X Zhou, X Du
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 274, 108772, 2022
Elastic analytical method with machine learning for predicting the stratum displacement field induced by shallow tunneling
F Kong, X Zhou, C Guo, D Lu, X Du
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 159, 201-212, 2024
A return mapping algorithm based on the hyper dual step derivative approximation for elastoplastic models
Z Xin, S Anyu, L Dechun, Z Xiaoying, L Xinzheng, D Xiuli.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 417, 116418, 2023
Modeling confined concrete behavior in finite element with a non-orthogonal elastoplastic model
F Meng, D Lu, S Wang, X Zhou, X Du
Engineering Structures 312, 118233, 2024
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