Simon Gant
Simon Gant
Technical Fellow, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Science and Research Centre
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A new wall function strategy for complex turbulent flows
TJ Craft, SE Gant, H Iacovides, BE Launder
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 45 (4), 301-318, 2004
Modelling a tidal turbine in unsteady flow
S Gant, T Stallard
Proceedings of the Eighteenth (2008) International Offshore and Polar …, 2008
Development and application of wall-function treatments for turbulent forced and mixed convection flows
TJ Craft, SE Gant, AV Gerasimov, H Iacovides, BE Launder
Fluid Dynamics Research 38 (2-3), 127, 2006
Development and application of a new wall function for complex turbulent flows
SE Gant
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2002
Reliability issues of LES-related approaches in an industrial context
SE Gant
Flow, turbulence and combustion 84, 325-335, 2010
An integrated, multi-scale modelling approach for the simulation of multiphase dispersion from accidental CO2 pipeline releases in realistic terrain
RM Woolley, M Fairweather, CJ Wareing, C Proust, J Hebrard, D Jamois, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 27, 221-238, 2014
Evaluation of multi-phase atmospheric dispersion models for application to Carbon Capture and Storage
SE Gant, VD Narasimhamurthy, T Skjold, D Jamois, C Proust
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32, 286-298, 2014
CO2PipeHaz: quantitative hazard assessment for next generation CO2 pipelines
RM Woolley, M Fairweather, CJ Wareing, SAEG Falle, H Mahgerefteh, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 2510-2529, 2014
LNG source term models for hazard analysis: A review of the state-of-the-art and an approach to model assessment
DM Webber, SE Gant, MJ Ivings, SF Jagger
Final report, The Fire Protection Research Foundation, Quincy, MA, USA, 2009
Dispersion of the vapour cloud in the Buncefield Incident
SE Gant, GT Atkinson
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 89 (6), 391-403, 2011
Flammable vapor cloud generation from overfilling tanks: Learning the lessons from Buncefield
G Atkinson, S Coldrick, S Gant, L Cusco
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 35, 329-338, 2015
Dense gas dispersion model development and testing for the Jack Rabbit II phase 1 chlorine release experiments
S Gant, J Weil, L Delle Monache, B McKenna, MM Garcia, G Tickle, ...
Atmospheric environment 192, 218-240, 2018
Wall-function strategies for use in turbulent flow CFD
TJ Craft, SE Gant, AV Gerasimov, H Iacovides, BE Launder
International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library, 2002
Flammability of hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide mixtures
SE Gant, MR Pursell, CJ Lea, J Fletcher, W Rattigan, AM Thyer, ...
Process safety and environmental protection 89 (6), 472-481, 2011
Validation of dispersion models for high pressure carbon dioxide releases
CM Dixon, SE Gant, C Obiorah, M Bilio
IChemE symposium series, 153-163, 2012
Results of comparisons of the predictions of 17 dense gas dispersion models with observations from the Jack Rabbit II chlorine field experiment
T Mazzola, S Hanna, J Chang, S Bradley, R Meris, S Simpson, S Miner, ...
Atmospheric Environment 244, 117887, 2021
CFD modelling of water spray barriers
SE Gant
Health and Safety Laboratory, 2005
CFD modelling of low pressure jets for area classification
SE Gant, MJ Ivings
Health and Safety Laboratory Report HSL/2005/11, available for download from …, 2005
Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas systems
MJ Ivings, S Clarke, SE Gant, B Fletcher, A Heather, DJ Pocock, ...
HSE, UK, 2008
Generation of flammable mists from high flashpoint fluids: literature review
S Gant, R Bettis, R Santon, I Buckland, P Bowen, P Kay
Health and Safety Executive, Research Report RR980, 2013
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