Timothy D. Jardine
Timothy D. Jardine
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Biomagnification of mercury in aquatic food webs: a worldwide meta-analysis
RA Lavoie, TD Jardine, MM Chumchal, KA Kidd, LM Campbell
Environmental science & technology 47 (23), 13385-13394, 2013
Lipid corrections in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses: comparison of chemical extraction and modelling methods
JM Logan, TD Jardine, TJ Miller, SE Bunn, RA Cunjak, ME Lutcavage
Journal of Animal Ecology, 838-846, 2008
Applications, considerations, and sources of uncertainty when using stable isotope analysis in ecotoxicology
TD Jardine, KA Kidd, AT Fisk
Environmental Science & Technology 40 (24), 7501-7511, 2006
Understanding rivers and their social relations: A critical step to advance environmental water management
EP Anderson, S Jackson, RE Tharme, M Douglas, JE Flotemersch, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 6 (6), e1381, 2019
Using stable isotope analysis with telemetry or mark-recapture data to identify fish movement and foraging
RA Cunjak, JM Roussel, MA Gray, JP Dietrich, DF Cartwright, ...
Oecologia 144, 636-646, 2005
Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of mercury through food webs
K Kidd, M Clayden, T Jardine
Environmental chemistry and toxicology of mercury, 455-500, 2012
Gut content and stable isotope analyses provide complementary understanding of ontogenetic dietary shifts and trophic relationships among fishes in a tropical river
AM Davis, ML Blanchette, BJ Pusey, TD Jardine, RG Pearson
Freshwater Biology 57 (10), 2156-2172, 2012
Stable isotopes in aquatic systems: sample preparation, analysis and interpretation
TD Jardine, SA McGeachy, CM Paton, M Savoie, RA Cunjak
[Fredericton, NB]: Fisheries and Oceans, 2003
Bridging science and traditional knowledge to assess cumulative impacts of stressors on ecosystem health
CS Mantyka-Pringle, TD Jardine, L Bradford, L Bharadwaj, AP Kythreotis, ...
Environment international 102, 125-137, 2017
Fish mediate high food web connectivity in the lower reaches of a tropical floodplain river
TD Jardine, BJ Pusey, SK Hamilton, NE Pettit, PM Davies, MM Douglas, ...
Oecologia 168, 829-838, 2012
Trophic magnification of organic chemicals: A global synthesis
DM Walters, TD Jardine, BS Cade, KA Kidd, DCG Muir, P Leipzig-Scott
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (9), 4650-4658, 2016
Stable isotope variability in tissues of temperate stream fishes
TD Jardine, MA Gray, SM McWilliam, RA Cunjak
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 (5), 1103-1110, 2005
Does flood rhythm drive ecosystem responses in tropical riverscapes?
TD Jardine, NR Bond, MA Burford, MJ Kennard, DP Ward, P Bayliss, ...
Ecology 96 (3), 684-692, 2015
Nonlethal sampling of sunfish and slimy sculpin for stable isotope analysis: how scale and fin tissue compare with muscle tissue
MH Kelly, WG Hagar, TD Jardine, RA Cunjak
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26 (4), 921-925, 2006
Analytical error in stable isotope ecology
TD Jardine, RA Cunjak
Oecologia 144, 528-533, 2005
Diet‐tissue fractionation of δ15N by consumers from streams and rivers
SE Bunn, C Leigh, TD Jardine
Limnology and Oceanography 58 (3), 765-773, 2013
Using two-eyed seeing to bridge Western science and Indigenous knowledge systems and understand long-term change in the Saskatchewan River Delta, Canada
R Abu, MG Reed, TD Jardine
International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2020
Consumer–resource coupling in wet–dry tropical rivers
TD Jardine, NE Pettit, DM Warfe, BJ Pusey, DP Ward, MM Douglas, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (2), 310-322, 2012
Food web analysis reveals effects of pH on mercury bioaccumulation at multiple trophic levels in streams
TD Jardine, KA Kidd, N O’Driscoll
Aquatic toxicology 132, 46-52, 2013
Temporal and spatial variation in ecosystem metabolism and food web carbon transfer in a wet‐dry tropical river
RJ Hunt, TD Jardine, SK Hamilton, SE Bunn, ...
Freshwater Biology 57 (3), 435-450, 2012
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