Ángel García-Pérez
Ángel García-Pérez
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Psychological, pharmacological, and combined smoking cessation interventions for smokers with current depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis
R Secades-Villa, A Gonzalez-Roz, A Garcia-Perez, E Becona
PloS one 12 (12), e0188849, 2017
Gender differences among adolescent gamblers
S Weidberg, A González-Roz, JR Fernández-Hermida, V Martínez-Loredo, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 125, 38-43, 2018
Latent structure of the cigarette purchase task among treatment-seeking smokers with depression and its predictive validity on smoking abstinence
A González-Roz, R Secades-Villa, S Weidberg, Á García-Pérez, DD Reed
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 22 (1), 74-80, 2020
Effectiveness of contingency management for smoking cessation in substance users: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
R Secades-Villa, G Aonso-Diego, Á García-Pérez, A González-Roz
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 88 (10), 951, 2020
Additive effectiveness of contingency management on cognitive behavioural treatment for smokers with depression: Six-month abstinence and depression outcomes
R Secades-Villa, A Gonzalez-Roz, G Vallejo-Seco, S Weidberg, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 204, 107495, 2019
One-year efficacy and incremental cost-effectiveness of contingency management for cigarette smokers with depression
A González-Roz, S Weidberg, Á García-Pérez, V Martínez-Loredo, ...
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 23 (2), 320-326, 2021
Effects of episodic future thinking on reinforcement pathology during smoking cessation treatment among individuals with substance use disorders
Á García-Pérez, G Aonso-Diego, S Weidberg, R Secades-Villa
Psychopharmacology 239 (2), 631-642, 2022
Contingency management for smoking cessation among individuals with substance use disorders: In-treatment and post-treatment effects
G Aonso-Diego, A González-Roz, A Krotter, A García-Pérez, ...
Addictive Behaviors 119, 106920, 2021
In-treatment cigarette demand among treatment-seeking smokers with depressive symptoms
S Weidberg, G Vallejo-Seco, A González-Roz, Á García-Pérez, ...
Addictive Behaviors 82, 35-43, 2018
Reinforcer pathology predicts relapse in smokers.
Á García-Pérez, G Aonso-Diego, S Weidberg, A González-Roz, ...
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 36 (5), 565, 2022
Reinforcer pathology and response to contingency management for smoking cessation.
A González-Roz, Á García-Pérez, S Weidberg, G Aonso-Diego, ...
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 34 (1), 156, 2020
The synergistic effect of cigarette demand and delay discounting on nicotine dependence among treatment-seeking smokers.
S Weidberg, R Secades-Villa, Á García-Pérez, A González-Roz, ...
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 27 (2), 146, 2019
Long-term changes in delay discounting following a smoking cessation treatment for patients with depression
Á García-Pérez, G Vallejo-Seco, S Weidberg, A González-Roz, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 212, 108007, 2020
Effectiveness of including weight management in smoking cessation treatments: a meta-analysis of behavioral interventions
G García-Fernández, A Krotter, A González-Roz, Á García-Pérez, ...
Addictive Behaviors 140, 107606, 2023
Smoking cessation interventions in substance use treatment facilities: Clinical implications and recommendations for implementation.
A González-Roz, L Ruano, G Aonso-Diego, Á García-Pérez, S Weidberg, ...
Sociedad Cientifica Espanola de Estudios Sobre el Alcohol, 2019
Pilot randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral treatment plus contingency management for quitting smoking and weight gain prevention among smokers with overweight or obesity
G García-Fernández, A Krotter, Á García-Pérez, G Aonso-Diego, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 236, 109477, 2022
Abordaje del tabaquismo en centros de tratamiento de drogodependencias: implicaciones clínicas y recomendaciones para su implementación
A González-Roz, L Ruano, G Aonso-Diego, Á García-Pérez, S Weidberg, ...
adicciones 31 (4), 327-329, 2019
Testing the cannabis gateway hypothesis in a national sample of Spanish adolescents
Á García-Pérez, G Aonso-Diego, S Weidberg, R Secades-Villa
Addictive behaviors 144, 107751, 2023
Post-cessation weight gain among smokers with depression predicts smoking relapse
A Krotter, G Aonso-Diego, Á García-Pérez, G García-Fernández, ...
Journal of Dual Diagnosis 19 (2-3), 62-70, 2023
Effects of combined coffee and alcohol use over cigarette demand among treatment-seeking smokers
Á García-Pérez, S Weidberg, A González-Roz, A Krotter, R Secades-Villa
Behavioural processes 174, 104108, 2020
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