Nicola Alberto Valente
Nicola Alberto Valente
University of Cagliari
在 buffalo.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of zirconia‐ceramic and metal‐ceramic single crowns
BE Pjetursson, NA Valente, M Strasding, M Zwahlen, S Liu, I Sailer
Clinical oral implants research 29, 199-214, 2018
A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of zirconia‐ceramic and metal‐ceramic multiple‐unit fixed dental prostheses
I Sailer, M Strasding, NA Valente, M Zwahlen, S Liu, BE Pjetursson
Clinical oral implants research 29, 184-198, 2018
Peri-implant disease: what we know and what we need to know
NA Valente, S Andreana
Journal of periodontal & implant science 46 (3), 136-151, 2016
Anatomical considerations on the alveolar antral artery as related to the sinus augmentation surgical procedure
NA Valente
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 18 (5), 1042-1050, 2016
Influence of implant mucosal thickness on early bone loss: a systematic review with meta-analysis
R Di Gianfilippo, NA Valente, P Toti, HL Wang, A Barone
Journal of periodontal & implant science 50 (4), 209, 2020
Standard vs customized healing abutments with simultaneous bone grafting for tissue changes around immediate implants. 1‐year outcomes from a randomized clinical trial
A Perez, A Caiazzo, NA Valente, P Toti, F Alfonsi, A Barone
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 22 (1), 42-53, 2020
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: the use of leukocyte-platelet-rich fibrin as an adjunct in the treatment
NA Valente, S Chatelain, F Alfonsi, C Mortellaro, A Barone
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 30 (4), 1095-1101, 2019
Impact of concave/convergent vs parallel/divergent implant transmucosal profiles on hard and soft peri-implant tissues: a systematic review with meta-analyses
NA Valente, M Wu, P Toti, G Derchi, A Barone
The International Journal of Prosthodontics 33 (5), 553-564, 2020
In vitro evaluation of controlled‐release 14% doxycycline gel for decontamination of machined and sandblasted acid‐etched implants
G Patianna, NA Valente, A D'Addona, S Andreana
Journal of periodontology 89 (3), 325-330, 2018
Maxillary sinus augmentation with three different biomaterials: histological, histomorphometric, clinical, and patient‐reported outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
E Velasco‐Ortega, NA Valente, G Iezzi, M Petrini, G Derchi, A Barone
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 23 (1), 86-95, 2021
Thermodynamic effects of 3 different diode lasers on an implant-bone interface: An ex-vivo study with review of the literature
NA Valente, A Calascibetta, G Patianna, T Mang, M Hatton, S Andreana
Journal of Oral Implantology 43 (2), 94-99, 2017
Comparison between two different techniques for peri‐implant soft tissue augmentation: Porcine dermal matrix graft versus tenting screw
S Verardi, M Orsini, T Lombardi, F Ausenda, T Testori, A Pulici, F Oreglia, ...
Journal of periodontology 91 (8), 1011-1017, 2020
Bone heat generated using conventional implant drills versus piezosurgery unit during apical cortical plate perforation
C Lajolo, NA Valente, WG Romandini, M Petruzzi, F Verdugo, A D'Addona
Journal of Periodontology 89 (6), 661-668, 2018
Effects of Two Diode Lasers With and Without Photosensitization on Contaminated Implant Surfaces: An Ex Vivo Study
NA Valente, T Mang, M Hatton, L Mikulski, S Andreana
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 35 (7), 347-356, 2017
Implant placement in patients under treatment with rivaroxaban: a retrospective clinical study
G Galletti, F Alfonsi, A Raffaele, NA Valente, S Chatelain, R Kolerman, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (12), 4607, 2020
Clinical, microbiological and immunological short, medium and long-term effects of different strains of probiotics as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients …
F Ausenda, E Barbera, E Cotti, E Romeo, ZS Natto, NA Valente
Japanese Dental Science Review 59, 62-103, 2023
Color differences between pink veneering ceramics and the human gingiva
NA Valente, I Sailer, V Fehmer, DS Thoma
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 38 (Suppl), s59-s65, 2018
Intraoral and extraoral autologous bone block graft techniques: A review of the recent literature
I Gianluca, NA Valente
International Journal of Contemporary Dental & Medical Reviews 2016, 2016
Piezoelectric device versus conventional osteotomy instruments in the comparison of three different bone harvesting methods: An istomorphometric, phonometric, and chronometric …
N Valente, L Cosma, G Nocca, A D’Addona, C Lajolo
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 34 (5), 1070-7, 2019
Autotransplantation of Two Immature Third Molars with the Use of L‐PRF
M Rey Lescure, NA Valente, S Chatelain, C Cinquini, A Barone
Case Reports in Dentistry 2021 (1), 6672711, 2021
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