Bernadette Sütterlin
Bernadette Sütterlin
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Who puts the most energy into energy conservation? A segmentation of energy consumers based on energy-related behavioral characteristics
B Sütterlin, TA Brunner, M Siegrist
Energy Policy 39 (12), 8137-8152, 2011
Perceived naturalness and evoked disgust influence acceptance of cultured meat
M Siegrist, B Sütterlin, C Hartmann
Meat science 139, 213-219, 2018
Importance of perceived naturalness for acceptance of food additives and cultured meat
M Siegrist, B Sütterlin
Appetite 113, 320-326, 2017
Public acceptance of renewable energy technologies from an abstract versus concrete perspective and the positive imagery of solar power
B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Energy Policy 106, 356-366, 2017
Simply adding the word “fruit” makes sugar healthier: The misleading effect of symbolic information on the perceived healthiness of food
B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Appetite 95, 252-261, 2015
Human and nature‐caused hazards: The affect heuristic causes biased decisions
M Siegrist, B Sütterlin
Risk Analysis 34 (8), 1482-1494, 2014
Why have some people changed their attitudes toward nuclear power after the accident in Fukushima?
M Siegrist, B Sütterlin, C Keller
Energy Policy 69, 356-363, 2014
The misleading effect of energy efficiency information on perceived energy friendliness of electric goods
S Waechter, B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Journal of Cleaner Production 93, 193-202, 2015
Desired and undesired effects of energy labels—An eye-tracking study
S Waechter, B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
PloS one 10 (7), e0134132, 2015
Public acceptance of the expansion and modification of high-voltage power lines in the context of the energy transition
P Lienert, B Suetterlin, M Siegrist
Energy Policy 87, 573-583, 2015
Eye-tracking the cancellation and focus model for preference judgments
B Sütterlin, TA Brunner, K Opwis
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (3), 904-911, 2008
Consumer segmentation based on Stated environmentally-friendly behavior in the food domain
A Funk, B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Sustainable Production and Consumption 25, 173-186, 2021
Biased perception about gene technology: How perceived naturalness and affect distort benefit perception
M Siegrist, C Hartmann, B Sütterlin
Appetite 96, 509-516, 2016
Public acceptance of high-voltage power lines: The influence of information provision on undergrounding
P Lienert, B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Energy Policy 112, 305-315, 2018
The climate change beliefs fallacy: The influence of climate change beliefs on the perceived consequences of climate change
G Hoogendoorn, B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Journal of Risk Research 23 (12), 1577-1589, 2020
The reliance on symbolically significant behavioral attributes when judging energy consumption behaviors
B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 259-272, 2014
Public perception of solar radiation management: the impact of information and evoked affect
B Sütterlin, M Siegrist
Journal of Risk Research 20 (10), 1292-1307, 2017
Letters, signs, and colors: How the display of energy-efficiency information influences consumer assessments of products
S Waechter, B Sütterlin, J Borghoff, M Siegrist
Energy Research & Social Science 15, 86-95, 2016
People’s reliance on the affect heuristic may result in a biased perception of gene technology
M Siegrist, B Sütterlin
Food Quality and Preference 54, 137-140, 2016
Impact of social value orientation on energy conservation in different behavioral domains
B Sütterlin, TA Brunner, M Siegrist
Journal of applied social psychology 43 (8), 1725-1735, 2013
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