Chen Lyu (Chen Lv)
Chen Lyu (Chen Lv)
Shandong Normal University
在 sdnu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Treebert: A tree-based pre-trained model for programming language
X Jiang, Z Zheng, C Lyu, L Li, L Lyu
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 54-63, 2021
A reliable method for colorectal cancer prediction based on feature selection and support vector machine
D Zhao, H Liu, Y Zheng, Y He, D Lu, C Lyu
Medical & biological engineering & computing 57, 901-912, 2019
Fret: Functional reinforced transformer with bert for code summarization
R Wang, H Zhang, G Lu, L Lyu, C Lyu
IEEE Access 8, 135591-135604, 2020
M2ts: Multi-scale multi-modal approach based on transformer for source code summarization
Y Gao, C Lyu
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program …, 2022
Efficient dynamic evolution of service composition
C Lv, W Jiang, S Hu, J Wang, G Lu, Z Liu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 11 (4), 630-643, 2015
Sparse feature learning with label information for Alzheimer’s disease classification based on magnetic resonance imaging
L Xu, Z Yao, J Li, C Lv, H Zhang, B Hu
IEEE Access 7, 26157-26167, 2019
Automatic change detection for real-time monitoring of EEG signals
Z Gao, G Lu, P Yan, C Lyu, X Li, W Shang, Z Xie, W Zhang
Frontiers in physiology 9, 325, 2018
Single UHD image dehazing via interpretable pyramid network
B Xiao, Z Zheng, Y Zhuang, C Lyu, X Jia
Signal Processing 214, 109225, 2024
Heloc: Hierarchical contrastive learning of source code representation
X Wang, Q Wu, H Zhang, C Lyu, X Jiang, Z Zheng, L Lyu, S Hu
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE/ACM international conference on program …, 2022
Whale optimized mixed kernel function of support vector machine for colorectal cancer diagnosis
D Zhao, H Liu, Y Zheng, Y He, D Lu, C Lyu
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 92, 103124, 2019
LLCMDA: a novel method for predicting miRNA gene and disease relationship based on locality-constrained linear coding
Y Qu, H Zhang, C Lyu, C Liang
Frontiers in genetics 9, 576, 2018
Embedding API dependency graph for neural code generation
C Lyu, R Wang, H Zhang, H Zhang, S Hu
Empirical Software Engineering 26, 1-51, 2021
TACO: Topics in Algorithmic COde generation dataset
R Li, J Fu, BW Zhang, T Huang, Z Sun, C Lyu, G Liu, Z Jin, G Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.14852, 2023
Graph-based structural difference analysis for video summarization
C Chai, G Lu, R Wang, C Lyu, L Lyu, P Zhang, H Liu
Information Sciences 577, 483-509, 2021
Key-frame selection for automatic summarization of surveillance videos: a method of multiple change-point detection
Z Gao, G Lu, C Lyu, P Yan
Machine Vision and Applications 29 (7), 1101-1117, 2018
APISynth: A new graph-based API recommender system
C Lv, W Jiang, Y Liu, S Hu
Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software …, 2014
Context-aware pyramid attention network for crowd counting
L Gu, C Pang, Y Zheng, C Lyu, L Lyu
Applied Intelligence 52 (6), 6164-6180, 2022
DPFNet: A dual-branch dilated network with phase-aware fourier convolution for low-light image enhancement
Y Zhuang, Z Zheng, C Lyu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.07937, 2022
Multi-scale attention recalibration network for crowd counting
J Xie, C Pang, Y Zheng, L Li, C Lyu, L Lyu, H Liu
Applied Soft Computing 117, 108457, 2022
An edge-guided method to fruit segmentation in complex environments
X Sheng, C Kang, J Zheng, C Lyu
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 208, 107788, 2023
文章 1–20