Kate Beatty
Kate Beatty
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The double disparity facing rural local health departments
JK Harris, K Beatty, JP Leider, A Knudson, BL Anderson, M Meit
Annual review of public health 37 (1), 167-184, 2016
Representative literature reviews using constrained snowball sampling and citation network analysis
JD Lecy, KE Beatty
Available at SSRN 1992601, 2012
Collaboration among Missouri nonprofit hospitals and local health departments: content analysis of community health needs assessments
KE Beatty, KD Wilson, A Ciecior, L Stringer
American journal of public health 105 (S2), S337-S344, 2015
Health and social conditions of the poorest versus wealthiest counties in the United States
O Egen, K Beatty, DJ Blackley, K Brown, R Wykoff
American journal of public health 107 (1), 130-135, 2017
The role of interorganizational partnerships in health services provision among rural, suburban, and urban local health departments
K Beatty, JK Harris, PA Barnes
The Journal of Rural Health 26 (3), 248-258, 2010
Describing the continuum of collaboration among local health departments with hospitals around the community health assessments
KD Wilson, LB Mohr, KE Beatty, A Ciecior
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 20 (6), 617-625, 2014
Mapping the multidisciplinary field of public health services and systems research
JK Harris, KE Beatty, JD Lecy, JM Cyr, RM Shapiro II
American journal of preventive medicine 41 (1), 105-111, 2011
Disparities by race and ethnicity in cancer survivor stories available on the web
KS Eddens, MW Kreuter, JC Morgan, KE Beatty, S Jasim, L Garibay, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 11 (4), e1163, 2009
Methods in public health services and systems research: a systematic review
JK Harris, KE Beatty, C Barbero, AF Howard, RA Cheskin, RM Shapiro II, ...
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 42 (5), S42-S57, 2012
Barriers and incentives to rural health department accreditation
KE Beatty, J Mayer, M Elliott, RC Brownson, S Abdulloeva, ...
Journal of public health management and practice 22 (2), 138-148, 2016
PHAB accreditation prerequisites predict local health departments’ intentions to seek voluntary national accreditation
GH Shah, K Beatty, CD Leep
Front Public Health Serv Syst Res 2 (3), 4, 2013
Evaluating the implementation of a twitter-based foodborne illness reporting tool in the city of St. Louis department of health
JK Harris, L Hinyard, K Beatty, JB Hawkins, EO Nsoesie, R Mansour, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (5), 833, 2018
Public health agency accreditation among rural local health departments: influencers and barriers
KE Beatty, PC Erwin, RC Brownson, M Meit, J Fey
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 24 (1), 49-56, 2018
Patterns and predictors of local health department accreditation in Missouri
KE Beatty, J Mayer, M Elliott, RC Brownson, K Wojciehowski
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 21 (2), 116-125, 2015
Local health departments as clinical safety net in rural communities
NL Hale, T Klaiman, KE Beatty, MB Meit
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 51 (5), 706-713, 2016
Funding and service delivery in rural and urban local US health departments in 2010 and 2016
K Beatty, M Heffernan, N Hale, M Meit
American journal of public health 110 (9), 1293-1299, 2020
Health disparities related to smoking in Appalachia: practical strategies and recommendations for communities. 2019 Apr
K Beatty, N Hale, M Meit, M Heffernan, M Dougherty, L Rocha, K Ruane, ...
Accessibility of federally funded family planning services in South Carolina and Alabama
KE Beatty, MG Smith, AJ Khoury, S Zheng, LM Ventura, G Okwori
Preventive Medicine Reports 22, 101343, 2021
Poverty and health in Tennessee
K Beatty, O Egen, J Dreyzehner, R Wykoff
South Med J 113 (1), 1-7, 2020
The intersection of residence, community vulnerability, and premature mortality
N Hale, K Beatty, M Smith
The Journal of Rural Health 35 (4), 471-479, 2019
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