Paul F Conway
Paul F Conway
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The journey inward and outward: A re-examination of Fuller's concerns-based model of teacher development
PF Conway, CM Clark
Teaching and Teacher Education 19 (5), 465-482, 2003
Anticipatory reflection while learning to teach: From a temporally truncated to a temporally distributed model of reflection in teacher education
PF Conway
Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (1), 89-106, 2001
Learning to teach and its implications for the continuum of teacher education: A nine-country cross-national study
PF Conway, R Murphy, A Rath, K Hall
Report commissioned by the Teaching Council, 1-385, 2009
A rising tide meets a perfect storm: New accountabilities in teaching and teacher education in Ireland
PF Conway, R Murphy
Irish Educational Studies 32 (1), 11-36, 2013
International trends in post-primary mathematics education: Perspectives on learning, teaching and assessment
PF Conway, FC Sloane
Report commissioned by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment …, 2005
Methodological choice and its consequences for possible selves research
BWL Packard, PF Conway
Identity 6 (3), 251-271, 2006
A dual step transfer model: Sport and non‐sport extracurricular activities and the enhancement of academic achievement
JL Bradley, PF Conway
British Educational Research Journal 42 (4), 703-728, 2016
The challenges of a high-performance student athlete
J Gomez, J Bradley, P Conway
Irish Educational Studies 37 (3), 329-349, 2018
The Digital Pencil: One-to-one Computing for Children
J Lei, PF Conway, Y Zhao
Routledge, 2007
What’s in and what’s out? An analysis of state technology plans
Y Zhao, P Conway
Teachers College Record, 2001
The professional learning needs and priorities of higher-education-based teacher educators in England, Ireland and Scotland
G Czerniawski, D Gray, A MacPhail, Y Bain, P Conway, A Guberman
Journal of Education for Teaching 44 (2), 133-148, 2018
InFo-TED: Bringing policy, research, and practice together around teacher educator development
E Vanassche, F Rust, PF Conway, K Smith, H Tack, R Vanderlinde
International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies (part C), 341-364, 2015
Novice teachers as ‘invisible’learners
F Long, K Hall, P Conway, R Murphy
Teachers and Teaching 18 (6), 619-636, 2012
Cultural flashpoint: The politics of teacher education reform in Ireland
PF Conway
The Educational Forum 77 (1), 51-72, 2013
Images of heroes and heroines: How stable?
H Gash, P Conway
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 18 (3), 349-372, 1997
Engaging multiple stakeholders to improve speech and language therapy services in schools: an appreciative inquiry-based study
AL Gallagher, CA Murphy, PF Conway, A Perry
BMC health services research 19, 1-17, 2019
Consequential differences in perspectives and practices concerning children with developmental language disorders: an integrative review
AL Gallagher, CA Murphy, P Conway, A Perry
International journal of language & communication disorders 54 (4), 529-552, 2019
Gender politics and Exploring Masculinities in Irish Education: Teachers, materials and the media
M Mac an Ghaill, J Hanafin, PF Conway
Report commissioned by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment …, 2004
Evolution of research on teachers’ planning: implications for teacher education
E Munthe, PF Conway
SAGE Handbook of Research on Teacher Education (Eds.) Clandinin, D. J …, 2017
Authoring oneself and being authored as a competent teacher
K Hall, PF Conway, R Murphy, F Long, K Kitching, D O'Sullivan
Irish Educational Studies 31 (2), 103-117, 2012
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