Luca Carraro
Spread and dynamics of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy: Effects of emergency containment measures
M Gatto, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, S Miccoli, L Carraro, R Casagrandi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (19), 10484-10491, 2020
Estimating species distribution and abundance in river networks using environmental DNA
L Carraro, H Hartikainen, J Jokela, E Bertuzzo, A Rinaldo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (46), 11724-11729, 2018
Environmental DNA allows upscaling spatial patterns of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems
L Carraro, E Mächler, R Wüthrich, F Altermatt
Nature communications 11 (1), 3585, 2020
Integrated field, laboratory, and theoretical study of PKD spread in a Swiss prealpine river
L Carraro, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, I Fontes, H Hartikainen, N Strepparava, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (45), 11992-11997, 2017
How to design optimal eDNA sampling strategies for biomonitoring in river networks
L Carraro, JB Stauffer, F Altermatt
Environmental DNA, 2021
Transport of fluorobenzoate tracers in a vegetated hydrologic control volume: 2. Theoretical inferences and modeling
P Queloz, L Carraro, P Benettin, G Botter, A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo
Water Resources Research 51 (4), 2793-2806, 2015
Generation and application of river network analogues for use in ecology and evolution
L Carraro, E Bertuzzo, EA Fronhofer, R Furrer, I Gounand, A Rinaldo, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (14), 7537-7550, 2020
Spread of proliferative kidney disease in fish along stream networks: A spatial metacommunity framework
L Carraro, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo
Freshwater Biology 63 (1), 114-127, 2018
An epidemiological model for proliferative kidney disease in salmonid populations
L Carraro, L Mari, H Hartikainen, N Strepparava, T Wahli, J Jokela, ...
Parasites & vectors 9, 1-16, 2016
Transport of fluorobenzoate tracers in a vegetated hydrologic control volume: 1. Experimental results
P Queloz, E Bertuzzo, L Carraro, G Botter, F Miglietta, PSC Rao, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (4), 2773-2792, 2015
Meta‐ecosystem dynamics drive the spatial distribution of functional groups in river networks
C Jacquet, L Carraro, F Altermatt
Oikos 2022 (11), e09372, 2022
Quantifying biodiversity using eDNA from water bodies: General principles and recommendations for sampling designs
F Altermatt, L Carraro, M Antonetti, C Albouy, Y Zhang, A Lyet, X Zhang, ...
Environmental DNA 5 (4), 671-682, 2023
Optimal Channel Networks accurately model ecologically-relevant geomorphological features of branching river networks
L Carraro, F Altermatt
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 125, 2022
Effects of altered river network connectivity on the distribution of Salmo trutta: Insights from a metapopulation model
AM González‐Ferreras, E Bertuzzo, J Barquín, L Carraro, C Alonso, ...
Freshwater biology 64 (11), 1877-1895, 2019
Modelling environmental DNA transport in rivers reveals highly resolved spatio-temporal biodiversity patterns
L Carraro, RC Blackman, F Altermatt
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 8854, 2023
Freshwater fish diversity in the western Amazon basin shaped by Andean uplift since the Late Cretaceous
LM Boschman, L Carraro, FAS Cassemiro, J de Vries, F Altermatt, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (12), 2037-2044, 2023
SESTET: A spatially explicit stream temperature model based on equilibrium temperature
L Carraro, M Toffolon, A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo
Hydrological processes 34 (2), 355-369, 2020
Measuring the state of aquatic environments using eDNA—upscaling spatial resolution of biotic indices
RC Blackman, L Carraro, F Keck, F Altermatt
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 (1904), 20230121, 2024
eDITH: An R‐package to spatially project eDNA‐based biodiversity across river networks with minimal prior information
L Carraro, F Altermatt
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15 (5), 806-815, 2024
Seamless extraction and analysis of river networks in R
L Carraro
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27 (20), 3733-3742, 2023
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