Ainsworth Anthony Bailey
Ainsworth Anthony Bailey
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Mobile payments adoption by US consumers: an extended TAM
AA Bailey, I Pentina, AS Mishra, MS Ben Mimoun
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 45 (6), 626-640, 2017
Consumer awareness and use of product review websites
AA Bailey
Journal of Interactive Advertising 6 (1), 68-81, 2005
The roles of employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the internal marketing-employee bank identification relationship
AA Bailey, F Albassami, S Al-Meshal
International journal of bank marketing 34 (6), 821-840, 2016
Thiscompanysucks. com: the use of the Internet in negative consumer‐to‐consumer articulations
AA Bailey
Journal of Marketing Communications 10 (3), 169-182, 2004
Exploring brand personality–celebrity endorser personality congruence in celebrity endorsements in the Indian context
AS Mishra, S Roy, AA Bailey
Psychology & Marketing 32 (12), 1158-1174, 2015
Exploring effects of source similarity, message valence, and receiver regulatory focus on yelp review persuasiveness and purchase intentions
I Pentina, AA Bailey, L Zhang
Journal of Marketing Communications 24 (2), 125-145, 2018
Public information and consumer skepticism effects on celebrity endorsements: Studies among young consumers
AA Bailey
Journal of Marketing Communications 13 (2), 85-107, 2007
GREEN consumption values and Indian consumers’ response to marketing communications
AA Bailey, A Mishra, MF Tiamiyu
Journal of Consumer marketing 33 (7), 562-573, 2016
A year in the life of the African-American male in advertising: A content analysis
AA Bailey
Journal of Advertising 35 (1), 83-104, 2006
Celebrity endorsements: an examination of gender and consumers’ attitudes
N Klaus, AA Bailey
American journal of business 23 (2), 53-62, 2008
Social media use by young Latin American consumers: An exploration
AA Bailey, CM Bonifield, A Arias
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 43, 10-19, 2018
Retail employee theft: a theory of planned behavior perspective
AA Bailey
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 34 (11), 802-816, 2006
Exploring factors influencing US millennial consumers’ use of tap-and-go payment technology
AA Bailey, I Pentina, AS Mishra, MS Ben Mimoun
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 30 (2 …, 2020
Application of GREEN scale to understanding US consumer response to green marketing communications
AA Bailey, AS Mishra, MF Tiamiyu
Psychology & Marketing 35 (11), 863-875, 2018
Green advertising receptivity: An initial scale development process
AA Bailey, A Mishra, MF Tiamiyu
Journal of Marketing Communications 22 (3), 327-345, 2016
Non-fulfillment of promotional deals: the impact of gender and company reputation on consumers’ perceptions and attitudes
AA Bailey
Journal of Retailing and Consumer services 12 (4), 285-295, 2005
Modeling consumer engagement on social networking sites: Roles of attitudinal and motivational factors
AA Bailey, CM Bonifield, JD Elhai
Journal of retailing and consumer services 59, 102348, 2021
Mobile payment adoption in Latin America
AA Bailey, CM Bonifield, A Arias, J Villegas
Journal of Services Marketing 36 (8), 1058-1075, 2022
Broken (promotional) promises: The impact of firm reputation and blame
AA Bailey, CM Bonifield
Journal of Marketing Communications 16 (5), 287-306, 2010
An investigation of internal marketing and its effects on employees in the banking sector in Saudi Arabia
FA Albassami, SA Al-Meshal, A Anthony Bailey
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 20, 176-190, 2015
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