Ning Lin
Ning Lin
Powertech Labs
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Detailed device-level electrothermal modeling of the proactive hybrid HVDC breaker for real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation of DC grids
N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (2), 1118-1134, 2017
Dynamic electro-magnetic-thermal modeling of MMC-based DC–DC converter for real-time simulation of MTDC grid
N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (3), 1337-1347, 2017
An accurate and fast method for conducted EMI modeling and simulation of MMC-based HVdc converter station
R Zhu, N Lin, V Dinavahi, G Liang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (5), 4689-4702, 2019
Behavioral device-level modeling of modular multilevel converters in real time for variable-speed drive applications
N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (3 …, 2017
Exact nonlinear micromodeling for fine-grained parallel EMT simulation of MTDC grid interaction with wind farm
N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (8), 6427-6436, 2018
Variable time-stepping modular multilevel converter model for fast and parallel transient simulation of multiterminal DC grid
N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (9), 6661-6670, 2018
Real-time electromagnetic transient simulation of AC-DC networks
V Dinavahi, N Lin
John Wiley & Sons, 2021
Comprehensive modeling of large photovoltaic systems for heterogeneous parallel transient simulation of integrated AC/DC grid
N Lin, S Cao, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 35 (2), 917-927, 2020
Component-level thermo-electromagnetic nonlinear transient finite element modeling of solid-state transformer for DC grid studies
N Lin, P Liu, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (2), 938-948, 2020
Faster-than-real-time dynamic simulation of AC/DC grids on reconfigurable hardware
S Cao, N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (2), 1539-1548, 2019
Flexible time-stepping dynamic emulation of AC/DC grid for faster-than-SCADA applications
S Cao, N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (3), 2674-2683, 2020
Non‐linear behavioural modelling of device‐level transients for complex power electronic converter circuit hardware realisation on FPGA
N Lin, B Shi, V Dinavahi
IET Power Electronics 11 (9), 1566-1574, 2018
Hybrid parallel-in-time-and-space transient stability simulation of large-scale AC/DC grids
T Cheng, N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (6), 4709-4719, 2022
Adaptive heterogeneous transient analysis of wind farm integrated comprehensive AC/DC grids
N Lin, S Cao, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (3), 2370-2379, 2020
Mitigation of subsynchronous interactions in hybrid AC/DC grid with renewable energy using faster-than-real-time dynamic simulation
S Cao, N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (1), 670-679, 2020
Electrothermal transient behavioral modeling of thyristor-based ultrafast mechatronic circuit breaker for real-time DC grid emulation
N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (3), 1660-1670, 2019
Parallel dynamic and transient simulation of large-scale power systems: A high performance computing solution
V Dinavahi, N Lin
Springer Nature, 2022
Parallel high-fidelity electromagnetic transient simulation of large-scale multi-terminal DC grids
N Lin, V Dinavahi
IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal 6 (1), 59-70, 2018
Machine learning based transient stability emulation and dynamic system equivalencing of large-scale AC-DC grids for faster-than-real-time digital twin
S Cao, V Dinavahi, N Lin
IEEE Access 10, 112975-112988, 2022
Massively parallel modeling of battery energy storage systems for AC/DC grid high-performance transient simulation
N Lin, S Cao, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (3), 2736-2747, 2022
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