The knowledge web: Learning and collaborating on the Net M Eisenstadt, T Vincent Psychology Press, 2000 | 231 | 2000 |
The Transparent Prolog Machine (TPM): an execution model and graphical debugger for logic programming M Eisenstadt, M Brayshaw The Journal of Logic Programming 5 (4), 277-342, 1988 | 230 | 1988 |
My hairiest bug war stories M Eisenstadt Communications of the ACM 40 (4), 30-37, 1997 | 199 | 1997 |
COVID-19 antibody test/vaccination certification: there's an app for that M Eisenstadt, M Ramachandran, N Chowdhury, A Third, J Domingue IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 1, 148-155, 2020 | 142 | 2020 |
System for analyzing and visualizing access statistics for a web site M Eisenstadt, J Komzak US Patent 7,801,950, 2010 | 139 | 2010 |
Visual knowledge engineering M Eisenstadt, J Domingue, T Rajan, E Motta IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 16 (10), 1164-1177, 1990 | 116 | 1990 |
Aspects of human problem solving: The use of internal representations M Eisenstadt, Y Kareev Explorations in cognition, 308-346, 1975 | 116 | 1975 |
Artificial intelligence: tools, techniques, and applications T O'Shea, M Eisenstadt Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., 1984 | 103 | 1984 |
CoAKTinG: Collaborative advanced knowledge technologies in the grid S Buckingham Shum, D De Roure, M Eisenstadt, N Shadbolt, A Tate | 87 | 2002 |
Knowledge acquisition as a process of model refinement E Motta, T Rajan, M Eisenstadt Knowledge acquisition 2 (1), 21-49, 1990 | 80 | 1990 |
Methodological foundations of KEATS, the knowledge engineer's assistant E Motta, T Rajan, J Domingue, M Eisenstadt Knowledge Acquisition 3 (1), 21-47, 1991 | 70 | 1991 |
Support for knowledge acquisition in the Knowledge Engineer's Assistant (KEATS) E Motta, M Eisenstadt, K Pitman, M West Expert Systems 5 (1), 6-28, 1988 | 69 | 1988 |
Instant messaging+ maps= powerful collaboration tools for distance learning M Eisenstadt, J Komzak, M Dzbor Proceedings of TelEduc03, Havana, Cuba, 2003 | 66 | 2003 |
Tools for creating intelligent computer tutors T O'Shea, R Bornat, B Du Boulay, M Eisenstadt, I Page Proc. of the international NATO symposium on Artificial and human …, 1984 | 62 | 1984 |
Viz: a framework for describing and implementing software visualization systems J Domingue, BA Price, M Eisenstadt User-Centred Requirements for Software Engineering Environments, 197-212, 1994 | 56 | 1994 |
Prolog programming techniques P Brna, A Bundy, T Dodd, M Eisenstadt, CK Looi, H Pain, D Robertson, ... Instructional science 20, 111-133, 1991 | 55 | 1991 |
Tales of debugging from the front lines M Eisenstadt Empirical Studies of Programmers: Fifth Workshop 86, 1993 | 54 | 1993 |
Collaboration in the semantic grid: a basis for e-learning K Page, D Michaelides, S Buckingham Shum, YH Chen-Burger, J Dalton, ... Applied Artificial Intelligence 19 (9-10), 881-904, 2005 | 53 | 2005 |
A methodology and tool for knowledge acquisition in KEATS-2 E Motta, T Rajan, M Eisenstadt Studies in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 5, 297-322, 1989 | 53 | 1989 |
Buddyspace: Enhanced presence management for collaborative learning, working, gaming and beyond M Eisenstadt, M Dzbor JabberConf Europe 89, 2002 | 49 | 2002 |