Nora Palomar-Ciria
Nora Palomar-Ciria
Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Soria (Soria, Spain)
在 saludcastillayleon.es 的电子邮件经过验证
User profiles of an electronic mental health tool for ecological momentary assessment: MEmind
ME Barrigón ML, Berrouiguet S, Carballo JJ, …, Baca-García E
Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 26, e1554, 2017
Schizophrenia and COVID-19 delirium
N Palomar-Ciria, P Blanco del Valle, MÁ Hernández-Las Heras, ...
Psychiatry Research 290, 2020
Impact of ADHD symptoms on family functioning, family burden and parents´ quality of life in a hospital area in Spain.
I Peñuelas-Calvo, N Palomar-Ciria, A Porras-Segovia, ...
European Journal of Psychiatry, 2020
Diagnostic stability of schizophrenia: a systematic review
N Palomar-Ciria, F Cegla-Schvartzman, JD Lopez-Morinigo, HJ Bello, ...
Psychiatry research 279, 306-314, 2019
Development of a Web-Based Clinical Decision Support System for Drug Prescription: Non-Interventional Naturalistic Description of the Antipsychotic Prescription Patterns in …
CP Berrouiguet S, Barrigón ML, …, BGE MEmind Study Group
PLoS One 11 (10), e0163796, 2016
Comparative study of pencil-and-paper and electronic formats of GHQ-12, WHO-5 and PHQ-9 questionnaires.
ME Barrigón ML, Rico-Romano AM, Ruiz…, Baca-García E
Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 10 (3), 160-167, 2017
Estudio comparativo de los formatos en lápiz y papel y electrónicos de los cuestionarios GHQ-12, WHO-5 y PHQ-9
ML Barrigón, AM Rico-Romano, M Ruiz-Gomez, D Delgado-Gomez, ...
Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 10 (3), 160-167, 2017
Professional quality of life of healthcare workers in hospital emergency departments
D Pérez-Valdecantos, A Caballero-García, HJ Bello, D Noriega-González, ...
Behavioral Sciences 12 (6), 188, 2022
Valoración forense del riesgo psicológico inicial en víctimas de violencia de género
N Palomar-Ciria, AN Fernández-Rodríguez, MS Rodríguez-Albarrán, ...
Cuadernos de Medicina Forense 22 (3-4), 64-72, 2016
Diagnostic Stability in Bipolar Disorder: a follow-up study in 130 000 patient-years.
EBG F. Cegla-Schvartzman, S. Ovejero, J. López-Castroman, N. Palomar-Ciria ...
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 0
Equine-assisted therapy in post-traumatic-stress disorder: a systematic review and Meta-analysis
N Palomar-Ciria, HJ Bello
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 128, 104871, 2023
Suicide classification for news media using convolutional neural networks
HJ Bello, N Palomar-Ciria, E Baca-García, C Lozano
Health communication 38 (10), 2178-2187, 2023
Diagnostic stability of schizophrenia in clinical settings: an observational study of 198 289 patient/years.
EBG N. Palomar-Ciria, F. Cegla-Schvartzman, HJ. Bello, G. Martinez-Alés, M ...
Schizophrenia Research 244, 81-83, 2022
Commentary to "Schizophrenia and COVID-19 Delirium", an update
N Palomar-Ciria, D Alonso-Álvarez, P Vázquez-Beltrán, ...
Psychiatry Research 294 (C), 113555, 2020
Aumento de la demanda de ingresos de menores en la Unidad de Hospitalización Psiquiátrica del Complejo Asistencial de Soria en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19
N Palomar-Ciria, PB del Valle, HJ Bello
Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil 38 (4), 5-8, 2021
News Media and Suicide: Using Big Data Techniques to Assess the Long-Term Impact
MMBEBG Nora Palomar-Ciria, Hugo J Bello, Celia Lozano, Fanny Cegla-Schvartzman
Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 2021
How far is clinical assessment from the bullseye? Using MEmind to compare clinical assessment with self-assessment in patients with depression and anxiety diagnosis.
A Gómez-Carrillo, ML Barrigón, …, P Courtet, E Baca-García, ...
Examining the relationship between COVID-19 and suicide in media coverage through natural language processing analysis
HJ Bello, N Palomar-Ciria, C Lozano, C Gutiérrez-Alonso, E Baca-García
The European Journal of Psychiatry 38 (1), 100227, 2024
Text mining methods for the characterisation of suicidal thoughts and behaviour
A Sedano-Capdevila, M Toledo-Acosta, ML Barrigon, ...
Psychiatry research 322, 115090, 2023
Estabilidad diagnóstica y evolución en Esquizofrenia.
N Palomar Ciria
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