A general two-sector model of endogenous growth with human and physical capital: balanced growth and transitional dynamics EW Bond, P Wang, CK Yip journal of economic theory 68 (1), 149-173, 1996 | 416 | 1996 |
Tax holidays as signals EW Bond, L Samuelson The American Economic Review 76 (4), 820-826, 1986 | 416 | 1986 |
A direct test of the" Lemons" model: The market for used pickup trucks EW Bond The American Economic Review 72 (4), 836-840, 1982 | 341 | 1982 |
The size of trading blocs market power and world welfare effects EW Bond, C Syropoulos Journal of International Economics 40 (3-4), 411-437, 1996 | 304 | 1996 |
Durable good monopolies with rational expectations and replacement sales EW Bond, L Samuelson The Rand Journal of Economics, 336-345, 1984 | 235 | 1984 |
Strategic behaviour and the rules for international taxation of capital EW Bond, L Samuelson The Economic Journal 99 (398), 1099-1111, 1989 | 213 | 1989 |
A strategic and welfare theoretic analysis of free trade areas EW Bond, RG Riezman, C Syropoulos Journal of International Economics 64 (1), 1-27, 2004 | 209 | 2004 |
The welfare effects of illegal immigration EW Bond, TJ Chen Journal of international economics 23 (3-4), 315-328, 1987 | 203 | 1987 |
Deepening of regional integration and multilateral trade agreements EW Bond, C Syropoulos, LA Winters Journal of International Economics 53 (2), 335-361, 2001 | 184 | 2001 |
Hardball and the soft touch: the economics of optimal insurance contracts with costly state verification and endogenous monitoring costs EW Bond, KJ Crocker Journal of Public Economics 63 (2), 239-264, 1997 | 141 | 1997 |
Gradualism in trade agreements with asymmetric countries EW Bond, JH Park The Review of Economic Studies 69 (2), 379-406, 2002 | 140 | 2002 |
Smoking, skydiving, and knitting: The endogenous categorization of risks in insurance markets with asymmetric information EW Bond, KJ Crocker Journal of Political Economy 99 (1), 177-200, 1991 | 133 | 1991 |
Externalities, filtering, and neighborhood change EW Bond, NE Coulson Journal of Urban Economics 26 (2), 231-249, 1989 | 115 | 1989 |
Trading Blocs and the Sustainability of Inte-regional Cooperation EW Bond, C Syropoulos Pennsylvania State-Department of Economics Papers, 1993 | 114 | 1993 |
Tariff binding and overhang: theory and evidence M Beshkar, EW Bond, Y Rho Journal of international Economics 97 (1), 1-13, 2015 | 107 | 2015 |
Factor accumulation and trade: dynamic comparative advantage with endogenous physical and human capital EW Bond, K Trask, P Wang International Economic Review 44 (3), 1041-1060, 2003 | 107 | 2003 |
Regulation of multinational firms with two active governments: A common agency approach EW Bond, TA Gresik Journal of Public Economics 59 (1), 33-53, 1996 | 106 | 1996 |
A hedonic approach to residential succession NE Coulson, EW Bond The Review of Economics and Statistics, 433-444, 1990 | 96 | 1990 |
Tax holidays and industry behavior E Bond The Review of Economics and Statistics, 88-95, 1981 | 90 | 1981 |
Optimal transfer pricing when tax rates differ EW Bond Southern Economic Journal, 191-200, 1980 | 80 | 1980 |