Cognitive failure analysis for aircraft accident investigation D O'HARE, M Wiggins, R Batt, D Morrison Ergonomics 37 (11), 1855-1869, 1994 | 312 | 1994 |
Expertise in aeronautical weather-related decision making: a cross-sectional analysis of general aviation pilots. M Wiggins, D O'Hare Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 1 (4), 305, 1995 | 239 | 1995 |
Cognitive task analyses for decision centred design and training D O'HARE, M Wiggins, A Williams, W Wong Ergonomics 41 (11), 1698-1718, 1998 | 202 | 1998 |
The role of situation assessment and flight experience in pilots' decisions to continue visual flight rules flight into adverse weather DA Wiegmann, J Goh, D O'Hare Human factors 44 (2), 189-197, 2002 | 164 | 2002 |
Situational awareness ability and cognitive skills training in a complex real-world task KS O'Brien, D O'Hare Ergonomics 50 (7), 1064-1091, 2007 | 156 | 2007 |
The psychological and performance demands of association football refereeing D Mascarenhas, D O Hare, H Plessner International Journal of Sport Psychology 37 (2/3), 99, 2006 | 156 | 2006 |
'Pressing on'into deteriorating conditions: An application of behavioral decision theory to pilot decision making D O'Hare, T Smitheram The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 5 (4), 351-370, 1995 | 151 | 1995 |
Pilots' perception of risks and hazards in general aviation. D O'Hare Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 61 (7), 599-603, 1990 | 140 | 1990 |
Flightdeck performance: The human factor D O'Hare, SN Roscoe | 140 | 1990 |
Immersion factors affecting perception and behaviour in a virtual reality power wheelchair simulator A Alshaer, H Regenbrecht, D O’Hare Applied ergonomics 58, 1-12, 2017 | 136 | 2017 |
Weatherwise: Evaluation of a cue-based training approach for the recognition of deteriorating weather conditions during flight M Wiggins, D O'Hare Human Factors 45 (2), 337-345, 2003 | 130 | 2003 |
Physical performance and decision making in association football referees: A naturalistic study DRD Mascarenhas, C Button, D O’Hare, M Dicks The Open Sports Sciences Journal 2 (1), 2009 | 126 | 2009 |
The ‘Wheel of Misfortune’: a taxonomic approach to human factors in accident investigation and analysis in aviation and other complex systems D O'Hare Ergonomics 43 (12), 2001-2019, 2000 | 126 | 2000 |
Individual differences in perceived similarity and preference for visual art: A multidimensional scaling analysis D O’hare Perception & Psychophysics 20, 445-452, 1976 | 122 | 1976 |
Expert and novice pilot perceptions of static in-flight images of weather MW Wiggins, D O'Hare The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 13 (2), 173-187, 2003 | 114 | 2003 |
Cognitive ability determinants of elite pilot performance D O'hare Human factors 39 (4), 540-552, 1997 | 110 | 1997 |
Human factors analysis of accidents involving visual flight rules flight into adverse weather J Goh, D Wiegmann, D O’Hare Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 73 (8), 817-822, 2002 | 103 | 2002 |
A multiple-cue learning approach as the basis for understanding and improving soccer referees’ decision making H Plessner, G Schweizer, R Brand, D O’Hare Progress in brain research 174, 151-158, 2009 | 98 | 2009 |
Aeronautical decision making: Metaphors, models, and methods D O’Hare Decision Making in Aviation, 25-62, 2017 | 89 | 2017 |
The'Artful'decision maker: A framework model for aeronautical decision making D O'Hare The international journal of aviation psychology 2 (3), 175-191, 1992 | 87 | 1992 |