Cajarville C.
Cajarville C.
Profesora UdelaR
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Short-term nutritional supplementation of ewes in low body condition affects follicle development due to an increase in glucose and metabolic hormones
C Viñoles, M Forsberg, GB Martin, C Cajarville, J Repetto, A Meikle
Reproduction 129 (3), 299-309, 2005
Effect of wilting and ensiling on ruminal degradability of temperate grass and legume mixtures
JL Repetto, C Cajarville, J d’Alessandro, A Curbelo, C Soto, D Garín
Animal research 54 (2), 73-80, 2005
Rumen pH, NH-N concentration and forage degradation kinetics of cows grazing temperate pastures and supplemented with different sources of grain
C Cajarville, M Aguerre, JL Repetto
Animal Research 55 (6), 511-520, 2006
Intake, milk production, and milk fatty acid profile of dairy cows fed diets combining fresh forage with a total mixed ration
A Mendoza, C Cajarville, JL Repetto
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (3), 1938-1944, 2016
Intake and digestive responses by ruminants fed fresh temperate pasture supplemented with increased levels of sorghum grain: A comparison between cattle and sheep
M Aguerre, C Cajarville, GV Kozloski, JL Repetto
Animal Feed Science and Technology 186 (1-2), 12-19, 2013
Nutritive value of green forage and crop by-products of Cynara cardunculus
C Cajarville, J González, JL Repetto, CA Rodríguez, A Martínez
Annales de Zootechnie 48 (5), 353-365, 1999
Nutritional evaluation of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) seed for ruminants
C Cajarville, J González, JL Repetto, MR Alvir, CA Rodrı́guez
Animal feed science and technology 87 (3-4), 203-213, 2000
Temperate forages ensiled with molasses or fresh cheese whey: Effects on conservation quality, effluent losses and ruminal degradation
C Cajarville, A Britos, D Garciarena, JL Repetto
Animal Feed Science and Technology 171 (1), 14-19, 2012
Supplementation with non-fibrous carbohydrates reduced fiber digestibility and did not improve microbial protein synthesis in sheep fed fresh forage of two nutritive values
I Tebot, C Cajarville, JL Repetto, A Cirio
Animal 6 (4), 617-623, 2012
Use of fresh cheese whey as an additive for Lucerne silages: Effects on chemical composition, conservation quality and ruminal degradation of cell walls
JL Repetto, V Echarri, M Aguerre, C Cajarville
Animal Feed Science and Technology 170 (3-4), 160-164, 2011
Digestibility, fecal characteristics, and plasma glucose and urea in dogs fed a commercial dog food once or three times daily
S Brambillasca, F Purtscher, A Britos, JL Repetto, C Cajarville
The Canadian Veterinary Journal 51 (2), 190, 2010
Using highly nutritious pastures to mitigate enteric methane emissions from cattle grazing systems in South America
Y Dini, JI Gere, C Cajarville, VS Ciganda
Animal production science 58 (12), 2329-2334, 2017
En tiempos de intensificación productiva…¿ cuánto avanzamos en el conocimiento de los nuevos sistemas de alimentación de la vaca lechera
C Cajarville, A Mendoza, A Santana, JL Repetto
Veterinaria 48 (Suppl 1), 35-39, 2012
Evaluation of cardoon seeds presscake for animal feeding
C Genovese, C Platania, M Venticinque, P Calderaro, S Argento, ...
IX International Symposium on Artichoke, Cardoon and Their Wild Relatives …, 2015
Diurnal changes in water-soluble carbohydrate concentration in lucerne and tall fescue in autumn and the effects on in vitro fermentation
C Cajarville, A Britos, N Errandonea, L Gutierrez, D Cozzolino, JL Repetto
New Zealand journal of agricultural research 58 (3), 281-291, 2015
Effects of feed intake on composition of sheep rumen contents and their microbial population size
CA Rodríguez, J González, MR Alvir, R Redondo, C Cajarville
British Journal of Nutrition 89 (1), 97-103, 2003
Addition of inulin, alfalfa and citrus pulp in diets for piglets: influence on nutritional and faecal parameters, intestinal organs, and colonic fermentation and bacterial …
S Brambillasca, P Zunino, C Cajarville
Livestock Science 178, 243-250, 2015
Suitability of live yeast addition to alleviate the adverse effects due to the restriction of the time of access to feed in sheep fed only pasture
A Pérez‐Ruchel, JL Repetto, C Cajarville
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 97 (6), 1043-1050, 2013
Productive performance and digestive response of dairy cows fed different diets combining a total mixed ration and fresh forage
M Pastorini, N Pomiés, JL Repetto, A Mendoza, C Cajarville
Journal of dairy science 102 (5), 4118-4130, 2019
Utilización de prebióticos en monogástricos: aspectos fisiológicos y productivos relacionados al uso de subproductos de agroindustrias y de pasturas en lechones
C Cajarville, S Brambillasca, P Zunino
Revista Porcicultura Iberoamericana 1 (2), 2011
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