Xuan He
Xuan He
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All-optical ultrafast wavelength and mode converter based on inter-modal four-wave mixing in few-mode fibers
Y Weng, X He, J Wang, Z Pan
Optics Communications 348, 7-12, 2015
Space division multiplexing optical communication using few-mode fibers
Y Weng, X He, Z Pan
Optical Fiber Technology 36, 155-180, 2017
A step-size controlled method for fast convergent adaptive FD-LMS algorithm in few-mode fiber communication systems
X He, Y Weng, Z Pan
journal of lightwave technology 32 (22), 4422-4428, 2014
A Fast Convergence Frequency Domain Least Mean Square Algorithm for Compensation of Differential Mode Group Delay in Few Mode Fibers
X He, X Zhou, J Wang, Y Weng, Z Pan
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2013
Performance analysis of low-complexity adaptive frequency-domain equalization and MIMO signal processing for compensation of differential mode group delay in mode-division …
Y Weng, X He, Z Pan
Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems …, 2016
Hardware efficient frequency domain equalization in few-mode fiber coherent transmission systems
Z Pan, X He, Y Weng
Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems …, 2014
Ultra-wide range in-service chromatic dispersion measurement using coherent detection and digital signal processing
J Wang, X Jiang, X He, Z Pan
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, 83091J, 2011
Accurate model to predict performance of coherent optical transponder for high baud rate and advanced modulation format
Q Wang, Y Yue, X He, A Vovan, J Anderson
Optics Express 26 (10), 12970-12984, 2018
Adaptive frequency-domain equalization and MIMO signal processing in mode division multiplexing systems using few-mode fibers
Z Pan, Y Weng, X He, J Wang
Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, SpW2G. 1, 2016
Noise Power Directed Adaptive Frequency Domain Least Mean Square Algorithm with Fast Convergence for DMGD Compensation in Few-Mode Fiber Transmission Systems
X He, Y Weng, J Wang, Z Pan
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2014 paper: Th3E.1, 2014
Fast convergent frequency-domain MIMO equalizer for few-mode fiber communication systems
X He, Y Weng, J Wang, Z Pan
Optics Communications 409, 131-136, 2018
Efficient adaptive filtering techniques using hybrid RLS-LMS algorithm for channel equalization in optical few-mode fiber communication systems
Y Weng, X He, J Wang, Z Pan
2016 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 517-518, 2016
All-optical ultrafast wavelength and mode converter based on inter-modal nonlinear wave mixing in few-mode fibers
Y Weng, X He, J Wang, Z Pan
CLEO: Science and Innovations, STh1O. 7, 2015
Investigation of the nonlinearity in few mode fibers
Z Pan, Y Weng, X He
2014 13th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks …, 2014
Mode and wavelength conversion based on inter-modal four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear few-mode fiber
Y Weng, X He, J Wang, B Zhu, Z Pan
Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, SW2C. 2, 2014
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of inter-modal four-wave-mixing in few mode fibers
JW Yi Weng, Xuan He, Zhongqi Pan, Bo Zhu
Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), 2014 23rd, 2014
Investigation of adaptive filtering and MDL mitigation based on space-time block-coding for spatial division multiplexed coherent receivers
Y Weng, X He, W Yao, MC Pacheco, J Wang, Z Pan
Optical Fiber Technology 36, 231-236, 2017
Frequency domain equalizer in few-mode fiber space-division-multiplexing systems
Z Pan, X He, Y Weng
2014 23rd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), 1-6, 2014
Chromatic dispersion estimation methods using polynomial fitting in PDM-QPSK or other multilevel-format coherent optical systems
J Wang, X Jiang, X He, Y Weng, Z Pan
Optical Fiber Technology 19 (2), 162-168, 2013
Low Complexity Single-Stage Adaptive Frequency Domain Equalizer for SDM Systems using Few Mode Fibers
X He, X Zhou, Y Weng, Z Pan
Signal Processing in Photonic Communications(OSA Summer Topical Meetings), 2013
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