Javier Benavente
Shoreline change patterns in sandy coasts. A case study in SW Spain
L Del Río, FJ Gracia, J Benavente
Geomorphology 196, 252-266, 2013
Coastal flooding hazard related to storms and coastal evolution in Valdelagrana spit (Cadiz Bay Natural Park, SW Spain)
J Benavente, L Del Río, FJ Gracia, JA Martínez-del-Pozo
Continental Shelf Research 26 (9), 1061-1076, 2006
Establishing storm thresholds for the Spanish Gulf of Cádiz coast
L Del Río, TA Plomaritis, J Benavente, M Valladares, P Ribera
Geomorphology 143, 13-23, 2012
Empirical model of morphodynamic beachface behaviour for low-energy mesotidal environments
J Benavente, FJ Gracia, F López-Aguayo
Marine Geology 167 (3-4), 375-390, 2000
Assessment of urban and industrial contamination levels in the bay of Cádiz, SW Spain
M Carrasco, JA Lopez-Ramırez, J Benavente, F López-Aguayo, D Sales
Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (3), 335-345, 2003
Utility of morphodynamic characterisation in the prediction of beach damage by storms
J Benavente, L Del Río, G Anfuso, FJ Gracia, JL Reyes
Journal of Coastal Research, 56-64, 2002
The Different Coastal Records of the 1755 Tsunami Waves along the south Atlantic Spanish Coast (with 9 figures)
FJ Gracia, C Alonso, J Benavente, G Anfuso, L Del Río
Zeitschrift fur geomorphologie supplementband 146, 195, 2006
Variability in storm climate along the Gulf of Cadiz: the role of large scale atmospheric forcing and implications to coastal hazards
TA Plomaritis, J Benavente, I Laiz, L Del Río
Climate Dynamics 45, 2499-2514, 2015
Morphodynamic responses of nourished beaches in SW Spain
G Anfuso, J Benavente, FJ Gracia
Journal of Coastal Conservation 7, 71-80, 2001
MICORE: dune erosion and overwash model validation with data from nine European field sites
A Van Dongeren, A Bolle, MI Vousdoukas, T Plomaritis, P Eftimova, ...
Proceedings Of Coastal Dynamics 2009: Impacts of Human Activities on Dynamic …, 2009
Beach users' profile, perceptions and willingness to pay for beach management in Cadiz (SW Spain)
B Alves, J Benavente, Ó Ferreira
Journal of coastal research, 521-526, 2014
Evolución histórica de la línea de costa en el sector meridional de la Bahía de Cádiz
C Alonso Villalobos, FJ García Prieto, J Benavente González
Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2009
How feasible is coastal management? A social benefit analysis of a coastal destination in SW Spain
B Alves, R Ballester, R Rigall-I-Torrent, Ó Ferreira, J Benavente
Tourism Management 60, 188-200, 2017
Diapiric uplift of an MIS 3 marine deposit in SW Spain: Implications for Late Pleistocene sea level reconstruction and palaeogeography of the Strait of Gibraltar
FJ Gracia, J Rodríguez-Vidal, LM Cáceres, G Belluomini, J Benavente, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (23-24), 2219-2231, 2008
Gulf of Cadiz beaches: a comparative response to storm events
JL Reyes, JT Martins, J Benavente, O Ferreira, FJ Gracia, ...
Boletín-Instituto Español de Oceanografía 15 (1/4), 221-228, 1999
Caulerpa prolifera stable isotope ratios reveal anthropogenic nutrients within a tidal lagoon
EP Morris, G Peralta, J Benavente, R Freitas, AM Rodrigues, V Quintino, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 390, 117-128, 2009
Coastal erosion perception and willingness to pay for beach management (Cadiz, Spain)
B Alves, R Rigall-I-Torrent, R Ballester, J Benavente, Ó Ferreira
Journal of Coastal Conservation 19, 269-280, 2015
Morphological characteristics and medium-term evolution of the beaches between Ceuta and Cabo Negro (Morocco)
G Anfuso, JA Martínez Del Pozo, D Nachite, J Benavente, A Macias
Environmental Geology 52, 933-946, 2007
Tectónica cuaternaria en la Bahía de Cádiz
LMC Puro
Quantifying community's functional awareness of coastal changes and hazards from citizen perception analysis in Canada, UK and Spain
U Boyer-Villemaire, P Bernatchez, J Benavente, JAG Cooper
Ocean & coastal management 93, 106-120, 2014
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