Enabling technologies for operator 4.0: A survey T Ruppert, S Jaskó, T Holczinger, J Abonyi Applied sciences 8 (9), 1650, 2018 | 257 | 2018 |
Development of manufacturing execution systems in accordance with Industry 4.0 requirements: A review of standard-and ontology-based methodologies and tools S Jaskó, A Skrop, T Holczinger, T Chován, J Abonyi Computers in industry 123, 103300, 2020 | 181 | 2020 |
Industry 4.0‐driven development of optimization algorithms: A systematic overview R Csalódi, Z Süle, S Jaskó, T Holczinger, J Abonyi Complexity 2021 (1), 6621235, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
Scheduling under uncertainty for Industry 4.0 and 5.0 K Bakon, T Holczinger, Z Süle, S Jaskó, J Abonyi IEEE Access 10, 74977-75017, 2022 | 21 | 2022 |
Bounds on the 2-domination number C Bujtás, S Jaskó Discrete Applied Mathematics 242, 4-15, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Dynamic Models of a Home Refrigerator. T Schné, S Jaskó, G Simon MACRo 1 (1), 103-112, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
CSP-based sensor network architecture for reconfigurable measurement systems S Jaskó, G Simon IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 60 (6), 2104-2117, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Embeddable adaptive model predictive refrigerator control for cost-efficient and sustainable operation T Schné, S Jaskó, G Simon Journal of cleaner production 190, 496-507, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Industry 4.0—Challenges in industrial artificial intelligence S Adrienn, H Tibor, B Krisztián, M Bálint, J Szilárd Second international scientific conference on tourism and security, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
CSP-based modelling for self-adaptive applications S Jaskó, G Simon, K Tarnay, T Dulai, D Muhi Infocommunications Journal 59 (2009/II), 14-21, 2009 | 7 | 2009 |
IOTP and Payments Protocols T Dulai, S Jaskó, K Tarnay Research and Development in E-Business through Service-Oriented Solutions, 20-56, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Reconfigurable sensor network architecture for distributed measurement systems S Jaskó, G Simon 2010 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings …, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
Production flow of customized products in a digital factory K Bakon, T Holczinger, S Jaskó Procedia Computer Science 200, 1201-1208, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Dynamic modeling and identification of a domestic refrigerator T Schné, S Jaskó, G Simon Future Internet Technologies 45, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Test aspect of requirement specification S Jaskó, T Dulai, D Muhi, K Tarnay Computer Standards & Interfaces 32 (1-2), 1-9, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Extension of HAAS for the management of cognitive load AK Eesee, S Jaskó, G Eigner, J Abonyi, T Ruppert IEEE Access, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Tourism 4.0 and the path of achievement K Bakon, T Holczinger, S Jaskó, N Kaszás VI. International scientific conference on tourism and security, 225-237, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Digital factory in the university of pannonia nagykanizsa campus-the factory subsystem KA Bakon, A Skrop, S Jaskó, T Holczinger Analecta Technica Szegedinensia 13 (1), 21-27, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Adaptive model-based control for cost-aware household appliances S Jaskó, T Schné, G Simon Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems …, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
A New Mathematical Formalism for the TTCN 3 core language S Jaskó Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering (Archives) 49 (3-4), 163-174, 2005 | 1 | 2005 |