Björn Holmer
Björn Holmer
Associated professor (emeritus), Physical Geography, Göteborg University
在 gvc.gu.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Different methods for estimating the mean radiant temperature in an outdoor urban setting
S Thorsson, F Lindberg, I Eliasson, B Holmer
International journal of climatology 27 (14), 1983-1994, 2007
SOLWEIG 1.0–Modelling spatial variations of 3D radiant fluxes and mean radiant temperature in complex urban settings
F Lindberg, B Holmer, S Thorsson
International journal of biometeorology 52, 697-713, 2008
Transpiration of urban trees and its cooling effect in a high latitude city
J Konarska, J Uddling, B Holmer, M Lutz, F Lindberg, H Pleijel, ...
International journal of biometeorology 60, 159-172, 2016
Potential changes in outdoor thermal comfort conditions in Gothenburg, Sweden due to climate change: the influence of urban geometry
S Thorsson, F Lindberg, J Björklund, B Holmer, D Rayner
International Journal of Climatology 31 (2), 324-335, 2011
Transmissivity of solar radiation through crowns of single urban trees—application for outdoor thermal comfort modelling
J Konarska, F Lindberg, A Larsson, S Thorsson, B Holmer
Theoretical and applied climatology 117, 363-376, 2014
Mean radiant temperature–A predictor of heat related mortality
S Thorsson, J Rocklöv, J Konarska, F Lindberg, B Holmer, B Dousset, ...
Urban Climate 10, 332-345, 2014
Surface heating in relation to air temperature, wind and turbulence in an urban street canyon
B Offerle, I Eliasson, CSB Grimmond, B Holmer
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 122, 273-292, 2007
Advection caused by the urban heat island circulation as a regulating factor on the nocturnal urban heat island
M Haeger‐Eugensson, B Holmer
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 1999
Urban–rural vapour pressure differences and their role in the development of urban heat islands
B Holmer, I Eliasson
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 1999
Urban heat island circulation in Göteborg, Sweden
I Eliasson, B Holmer
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 42, 187-196, 1990
Sky view factors in forest canopies calculated with IDRISI
B Holmer, U Postgård, M Eriksson
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 68, 33-40, 2001
Rainfall change and its implications for Belg harvest in South Wollo, Ethiopia
S Rosell, B Holmer
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 89 (4), 287-299, 2007
Influence of vegetation and building geometry on the spatial variations of air temperature and cooling rates in a high-latitude city.
J Konarska, B Holmer, F Lindberg, S Thorsson
International Journal of Climatology 36 (5), 2016
Cooling rates, sky view factors and the development of intra‐urban air temperature differences
B Holmer, S Thorsson, I Eliasson
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 89 (4), 237-248, 2007
Characteristics of the mean radiant temperature in high latitude cities—implications for sensitive climate planning applications
F Lindberg, B Holmer, S Thorsson, D Rayner
International journal of biometeorology 58, 613-627, 2014
A simple operative method for determination of sky view factors in complex urban canyons from fisheye photographs
B Holmer
Meteorol. Z 1 (5), 236-239, 1992
Evening evapotranspirative cooling in relation to vegetation and urban geometry in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
B Holmer, S Thorsson, J Lindén
International Journal of Climatology 33 (15), 2013
A tentative study of urban and suburban fine particles (PM2.5) collected in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
J Boman, J Linden, S Thorsson, B Holmer, I Eliasson
X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 38 (4), 354-362, 2009
A GIS based empirical model to simulate air temperature variations in the Göteborg urban area during the night
MK Svensson, I Eliasson, B Holmer
Climate Research 22 (3), 215-226, 2002
Intra-urban air pollution in a rapidly growing Sahelian city
J Linden, J Boman, B Holmer, S Thorsson, I Eliasson
Environment International 40, 51-62, 2012
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