Stefan Lipman
Think of the children: a discussion of the rationale for and implications of the perspective used for EQ-5D-Y health state valuation
SA Lipman, VT Reckers-Droog, S Kreimeier
Value in Health 24 (7), 976-982, 2021
Time for tele-TTO? Lessons learned from digital interviewer-assisted time trade-off data collection
SA Lipman
The patient-patient-centered outcomes research 14 (5), 459-469, 2021
QALYs without bias? Nonparametric correction of time trade‐off and standard gamble weights based on prospect theory
SA Lipman, WBF Brouwer, AE Attema
Health Economics 28 (7), 843-854, 2019
Self vs. other, child vs. adult. An experimental comparison of valuation perspectives for valuation of EQ-5D-Y-3L health states
SA Lipman, VT Reckers-Droog, M Karimi, M Jakubczyk, AE Attema
The European Journal of Health Economics 22, 1507-1518, 2021
Why do adults value EQ-5D-Y-3L health states differently for themselves than for children and adolescents: a think-aloud study
V Reckers-Droog, M Karimi, S Lipman, J Verstraete
Value in Health 25 (7), 1174-1184, 2022
A value set for the EQ-5D-Y-3L in the Netherlands
B Roudijk, A Sajjad, B Essers, S Lipman, P Stalmeier, AP Finch
Pharmacoeconomics 40 (Suppl 2), 193-203, 2022
The corrective approach: policy implications of recent developments in QALY measurement based on prospect theory
SA Lipman, WBF Brouwer, AE Attema
Value in Health 22 (7), 816-821, 2019
What is it going to be, TTO or SG? A direct test of the validity of health state valuation
SA Lipman, WBF Brouwer, AE Attema
Health economics 29 (11), 1475-1481, 2020
Taking the shortcut: simplifying heuristics in discrete choice experiments
J Veldwijk, SM Marceta, JD Swait, SA Lipman, EW de Bekker-Grob
The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research 16 (4), 301-315, 2023
Living up to expectations: experimental tests of subjective life expectancy as reference point in time trade-off and standard gamble
SA Lipman, WBF Brouwer, AE Attema
Journal of Health Economics 71, 102318, 2020
A QALY loss is a QALY loss is a QALY loss: a note on independence of loss aversion from health states
SA Lipman, WBF Brouwer, AE Attema
The European Journal of Health Economics 20, 419-426, 2019
Self-reported prevalence of pests in Dutch households and the use of the health belief model to explore householders’ intentions to engage in pest control
SA Lipman, SA Burt
Plos One 12 (12), e0190399, 2017
Decreasing impatience for health outcomes and its relation with healthy behavior
AE Attema, SA Lipman
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 4, 16, 2018
Time and lexicographic preferences in the valuation of EQ-5D-Y with time trade-off methodology
SA Lipman, L Zhang, KK Shah, AE Attema
The European Journal of Health Economics 24 (2), 293-305, 2023
In a child’s shoes: composite time trade-off valuations for EQ-5D-Y-3L with different proxy perspectives
SA Lipman, BAB Essers, AP Finch, A Sajjad, PFM Stalmeier, B Roudijk
Pharmacoeconomics 40 (Suppl 2), 181-192, 2022
Correcting for discounting and loss aversion in composite time trade‐off
SA Lipman, AE Attema, MM Versteegh
Health Economics 31 (8), 1633-1648, 2022
One size fits all? Designing financial incentives tailored to individual economic preferences
Behavioural Public Policy 8 (2), 264-278, 2024
Modifying the composite time trade-off method to improve its discriminatory power
M Jakubczyk, SA Lipman, B Roudijk, R Norman, E Pullenayegum, Y Yang, ...
Value in Health 26 (2), 280-291, 2023
QALYs without bias
S Lipman, W Brouwer, AE Attema
Non-parametric correction of time trade-off and standard gamble weights …, 2017
Trust me; I know what I am doing investigating the effect of choice list elicitation and domain-relevant training on preference reversals in decision making for others
S Neumann-Böhme, SA Lipman, WBF Brouwer, AE Attema
The European Journal of Health Economics 22, 679-697, 2021
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