Xiaoyan Chen
Xiaoyan Chen
在 tongji.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Managing social responsibility for sustainability in megaprojects: An innovation transitions perspective on success
Q He, X Chen, G Wang, J Zhu, D Yang, X Liu, Y Li
Journal of Cleaner Production 241, 118395, 2019
The role of project management in organisational sustainable growth of technology-based firms
N Wang, S Yao, G Wu, X Chen
Technology in Society 51, 124-132, 2017
Conflicts concerning construction projects under the challenge of cleaner production–case study on government funded projects
N Wang, M Ma, G Wu, Y Liu, Z Gong, X Chen
Journal of Cleaner Production 225, 664-674, 2019
A short-term based analysis on the critical low carbon technologies for the main energy-intensive industries in China
N Wang, X Chen, G Wu, YC Chang, S Yao
Journal of cleaner production 171, 98-106, 2018
Public private partnerships, a value for money solution for clean coal district heating operations
N Wang, X Chen, G Wu
Sustainability 11 (8), 2386, 2019
Firm and project innovation outcome measures in infrastructure megaprojects: An interpretive structural modelling approach
X Chen, G Locatelli, X Zhang, Y Gong, Q He
Technovation 109, 102349, 2022
Fostering ambidextrous innovation strategies in large infrastructure projects: A team heterogeneity perspective
X Zhang, Y Le, Y Liu, X Chen
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2021
What motivates stakeholders to engage in collaborative innovation in the infrastructure megaprojects?
YL X Chen, Q He, X. Zhang, T Cao
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 27 (8), 579–594, 2021
Green transformational leadership and green innovation in megaprojects: is green knowledge sharing a missing link?
X Chen, Y Chen, X Zhang, Q He
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2023
Organizational adaptability influenced by practice strategy, environmental dynamism, and absorptive capacity
Y Gong, Y Le, X Zhang, X Chen, H Zeng
Complexity 2021 (1), 4241485, 2021
An exploratory configurational analysis of collaborative innovation in megaprojects
X Chen, Q He, C Yu
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1101 (7), 072014, 2022
Impacts of Practice Combinations on Organizational Knowledge: Based on March’s Exploration‐Exploitation Model
Y Gong, Y Le, X Zhang, X Chen
Complexity 2021 (1), 5618287, 2021
Ambidextrous Innovation and Performance in Megaprojects: The Pivotal Role of Top Management Team Behavioral Integration
X Zhang, Y Le, M Liu, X Chen, X Gan
Construction Research Congress 2020, 191-200, 2020
How does megaproject social responsibility influence project performance in China? A moderated mediating model
Q He, X Chen, Y Li, X Zhang
Construction Research Congress 2020, 157-165, 2020
Improving collaborative innovation performance in megaprojects: a system dynamic approach
X Chen, W Zhu, Y Chen, Q He
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2024
Configurational Path to Collaborative Innovation in Large and Complex Construction Projects
X Chen, T Wang, Y Liu, Z Dou
Buildings 14 (1), 117, 2024
Central role of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase in the control of plant hydrogen sulfide metabolism.
FY Fu Yang, TJ Tang Jun, YGF Yao GaiFang, HZQ Huang ZhongQin, ...
Conflicts of Sustainable Development Projects in China
W Nan-Nan, W Guo-Bin, D Ru-Wen, C Xiao-Yan, L Yi-De, L Yan-Hong
2017 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE …, 2017
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