The Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation and universality class I Corwin Random matrices: Theory and applications 1 (01), 1130001, 2012 | 817 | 2012 |
Probability distribution of the free energy of the continuum directed random polymer in 1+ 1 dimensions, 2011 G Amir, I Corwin, J Quastel Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 64, 466, 2011 | 705 | 2011 |
Macdonald processes A Borodin, I Corwin Probability Theory and Related Fields 158 (1), 225-400, 2014 | 499 | 2014 |
Brownian Gibbs property for Airy line ensembles I Corwin, A Hammond Inventiones mathematicae, 2014 | 227 | 2014 |
From duality to determinants for q-TASEP and ASEP A Borodin, I Corwin, T Sasamoto | 190 | 2014 |
Free energy fluctuations for directed polymers in random media in 1+ 1 dimension A Borodin, I Corwin, P Ferrari Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 67 (7), 1129-1214, 2014 | 181 | 2014 |
Tropical Combinatorics and Whittaker functions I Corwin, N O'Connell, T SeppÃĪlÃĪinen, N Zygouras Duke Mathematical Journal, 2014 | 174 | 2014 |
Stochastic six-vertex model A Borodin, I Corwin, V Gorin | 148 | 2016 |
Stochastic higher spin vertex models on the line I Corwin, L Petrov Communications in Mathematical Physics 343, 651-700, 2016 | 147 | 2016 |
Height fluctuations for the stationary KPZ equation A Borodin, I Corwin, P Ferrari, B Vető Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 18, 1-95, 2015 | 147 | 2015 |
Log-gamma polymer free energy fluctuations via a Fredholm determinant identity A Borodin, I Corwin, D Remenik Communications in Mathematical Physics 324, 215-232, 2013 | 135 | 2013 |
Random-walk in beta-distributed random environment G Barraquand, I Corwin Probability Theory and Related Fields 167 (3), 1057-1116, 2017 | 122 | 2017 |
KPZ line ensemble I Corwin, A Hammond Probability Theory and Related Fields 166, 67-185, 2016 | 109 | 2016 |
Renormalization fixed point of the KPZ universality class I Corwin, J Quastel, D Remenik Journal of Statistical Physics 160 (4), 815-834, 2015 | 108 | 2015 |
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality I Corwin Notices of the AMS 63 (3), 230-239, 2016 | 99 | 2016 |
Stochastic six-vertex model in a half-quadrant and half-line open asymmetric simple exclusion process G Barraquand, A Borodin, I Corwin, M Wheeler | 85 | 2018 |
Open ASEP in the weakly asymmetric regime I Corwin, H Shen Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 71 (10), 2065-2128, 2018 | 83 | 2018 |
Universality of slow decorrelation in KPZ growth I Corwin, PL Ferrari, S Péché Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 48 (1), 134-150, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
Differential geometry of manifolds with density I Corwin Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal 7 (1), 2, 2006 | 78 | 2006 |
KPZ equation limit of higher-spin exclusion processes I Corwin, LC Tsai | 76 | 2017 |