Leslie S. Rush
Leslie S. Rush
Wyoming Excellence Chair in Literacy Education, University of Wyoming, College of Education
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Evaluating Gender Bias in Ratings of University Instructors' Teaching Effectiveness.
S Young, L Rush, D Shaw
International journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning 3 (2), n2, 2009
Opening the conversation: NCLB 10 years later
LS Rush, L Scherff
English Education 44 (2), 91-101, 2012
Literacy intervention programs at the middle and high school levels
DE Alvermann, LS Rush
Adolescent literacy research and practice, 210-227, 2004
Experts and novices reading literature: An analysis of disciplinary literacy in English language arts
T Reynolds, LS Rush
Literacy Research and Instruction 56 (3), 199-216, 2017
Wyoming’s instructional facilitator program: Teachers’ beliefs about the impact of coaching on practice
LS Rush, S Young
The Rural Educator 32 (2), 13-22, 2012
Secondary English teacher education in the United States
DL Pasternak, S Caughlan, HL Hallman, L Renzi, LS Rush
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017
A new look at mentoring: Proud moments and pitfalls
LS Rush, SH Blair, D Chapman, A Codner, B Pearce
The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 81 …, 2008
How English language arts teachers are prepared for twenty-first-century classrooms: Results of a national study
S Caughlan, DL Pasternak, HL Hallman, L Renzi, LS Rush, M Frisby
English Education 49 (3), 265-297, 2017
When figured worlds collide: Improvisation in an inquiry classroom
LS Rush, B Fecho
Teaching education 19 (2), 123-136, 2008
First steps toward a full and flexible literacy: Case studies of the four resources model
LS Rush
Literacy Research and Instruction 43 (3), 37-55, 2004
College students' beliefs, strategy employment, transfer, and academic performance: An examination across three academic disciplines
ML Simpson, L Rush
Journal of College Reading and Learning 33 (2), 146-156, 2003
Learning/teaching technology in English Teacher Education: Findings from a national study.
D Pasternak, H Hallman, S Caughlan, L Renzi, L Rush, H Meineke
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 16 (4), 373-387, 2016
Teaching English language arts methods in the United States: A review of the research
DL Pasternak, S Caughlan, HL Hallman, L Renzi, LS Rush
Wiley, 2014
Literacy coaching in Wyoming secondary schools: A situational analysis of roles in context
LS Rush
Journal of Literacy Research 45 (3), 267-294, 2013
Secondary School Literacy: What Research Reveals for Classroom Practice.
LS Rush, AJ Eakle, A Berger
Education Review, 2009
English disciplinary literacy: Enhancing students’ literary interpretive moves
T Reynolds, LS Rush, JP Lampi, JP Holschuh
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 64 (2), 201-209, 2020
Taking a Broad View of Literacy: Lessons from the Appalachian Trail Thru-hiking Community.
L Rush
Reading Online 6 (8), n8, 2003
Opening the conversation: Thinking deeper about text selection
LS Rush, L Scherff, CM Martorana
English Education 45 (3), 211-217, 2013
Using disciplinary approaches for reading literary texts in developmental literacy courses
JP Lampi, JP Holschuh, T Reynolds, LS Rush
Journal of College Reading and Learning 49 (3), 244-251, 2019
Developing a story of theory and practice: Multigenre writing in English teacher education
LS Rush
The Teacher Educator 44 (3), 204-216, 2009
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