Mathilde Hutin
Mathilde Hutin
LISN-CNRS, UMR 9015, Université Paris-Saclay
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Le schwa final en français standard est-il un «lubrifiant phonétique»?
M Hutin, A Jatteau, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, M Adda-Decker
7e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, id. 09004, 2020
Lenition and fortition of stop codas in Romanian
M Hutin, O Niculescu, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, M Adda-Decker
1st Joint SLTU and CCURL Workshop (SLTU-CCURL 2020)-LREC, 226-234, 2020
Ongoing phonologization of word-final voicing alternations in two Romance languages: Romanian and French
M Hutin, A Jatteau, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, M Adda-Decker
Interspeech, 2020
Synchronic Fortition in Five Romance Languages? A Large Corpus-Based Study of Word-Initial Devoicing.
M Hutin, Y Wu, A Jatteau, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, M Adda-Decker
Interspeech, 996-1000, 2021
A corpus-based study of the distribution of word-final schwa in Standard French and what it teaches us about its phonological status
M Hutin, A Jatteau, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, Y Wu, M Adda-Decker
Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 7, 1-27, 2021
Extracting Linguistic Knowledge from Speech: A Study of Stop Realization in 5 Romance Languages
Y Wu, M Hutin, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, M Adda-Decker
LREC 2022, 3257-3263, 2022
When Phonetics Meets Morphology: Intervocalic Voicing Within and Across Words in Romance Languages.
M Hutin, M Adda-Decker, L Lamel, I Vasilescu
Interspeech, 3438-3442, 2022
La liaison facultative en français: étude de grands corpus combinant approche automatique relâchée et jugement perceptif
M Hutin, C Weng, M Adda-Decker, L Lamel
SHS Web of Conferences 138, 10004, 2022
Les chaînes YouTube culturelles et scientifiques francophones
H Mathilde
Ministère de la Culture, https://www. culture. gouv. fr/Sites-thematiques …, 2020
The Effect of Human-Likeliness in French Robot-Directed Speech: A Study of Speech Rate and Fluency
N Kalashnikova, M Hutin, I Vasilescu, L Devillers
International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue, 249-257, 2023
Operation LiLi: Using crowd-sourced data and automatic alignment to investigate the phonetics and phonology of less-resourced languages
M Hutin, M Allassonnière-Tang
Languages 7 (3), 234, 2022
Investigating phonological theories with crowd-sourced data: The Inventory Size Hypothesis in the light of Lingua Libre
M Hutin, M Allassonnière-Tang
19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology …, 2022
Crowd-sourcing for less-resourced languages: Lingua libre for Polish
M Hutin, M Allassonnière-Tang
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA Special Interest …, 2022
Fine phonetic details for discourse marker disambiguation: a corpus-based investigation
Y Wu, M Hutin, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, M Adda-Decker, L Degand
DiSS 2021, the 10th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, 23-28, 2021
Modelling the realization of variable word-final schwa in Standard French
M Hutin, Y Wu, A Jatteau, I Vasilescu, L Lamel, M Adda-Decker
43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), 2021
M Hutin
Les chaînes YouTube culturelles et scientifiques francophones à l’usage des …, 2018
Do We Speak to Robots Looking Like Humans As We Speak to Humans? A Study of Pitch in French Human-Machine and Human-Human Interactions
N Kalashnikova, M Hutin, I Vasilescu, L Devillers
Companion Publication of the 25th International Conference on Multimodal …, 2023
Intelligence Augmentation: Future Directions and Ethical Implications in HCI
A Vargo, B Tag, M Hutin, V Abou-Khalil, S Ishimaru, O Augereau, ...
IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 644-649, 2023
/R/Lenition in Quebec French: Evidence from the Distribution of 9 Allophones in Large Corpora
M Lancien, M Hutin, J Stuart-Smith, M Adda-Decker, I Vasilescu
Languages Worldwide and the World Wide Web: Crowdsourcing on the Internet to Explore Linguistic Theories
M Hutin, M Allassonnière-Tang
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