Luisa Montoya (ORCID: 0000-0002-7594-8029)
Luisa Montoya (ORCID: 0000-0002-7594-8029)
Profesor Instructor, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
在 javeriana.edu.co 的电子邮件经过验证
Factores predictores perioperatorios de complicaciones de la colecistectomía por laparoscopia
GE Aldana, LE Martínez, MA Hosman, DA Ardila, IF Mariño, MR Sagra, ...
Revista colombiana de cirugía 33 (2), 162-172, 2018
Comparison between urine and cervical samples for HPV DNA detection and typing in young women in Colombia
AL Cómbita, T Gheit, P González, D Puerto, RH Murillo, L Montoya, ...
Cancer Prevention Research 9 (9), 766-771, 2016
Características clínicas y sociodemográficas de pacientes fallecidos por COVID-19 en Colombia
LMC Molina, MJ Tejeda-Camargo, JAC Clavijo, LM Montoya, ...
Revista Repertorio de Medicina y Cirugía, 45-51, 2020
Epidemiology of major trauma in New Zealand: a systematic review
L Montoya, B Kool, B Dicker, G Davie
The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online) 135 (1550), 86-110, 2022
Monitoreo continuo de glucosa de seis días en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 bajo hemodiálisis en tratamiento con insulinas en el Hospital de San José.(Bogotá)
AJ Nieto, AM Orjuela, CR San Martin, WR García, CDC García, ...
Revista Colombiana de Endocrinología, Diabetes & Metabolismo 5 (4), 13-20, 2018
Association between reportable preventable adverse events and unfavorable decisions in medical malpractice claims involving obstetricians covered by FEPASDE Colombia 1999 to …
H Gaitan-Duarte, J Eslava-Schmalbach, L Montoya, G Jiménez, ...
Colombian Journal of Anestesiology 47 (1), 14-22, 2019
Characterization of medical malpractice claims against obstetricians affiliated to FEPASDE in Colombia 1999-2014: historic cohort
J Medina-Parra, J Eslava-Schmalbach, G Jiménez, L Montoya, ...
Colombian Journal of Anestesiology 46 (2), 112-118, 2018
Prevalence of oncogenic driver mutations in Hispanics/Latin patients with lung cancer. A systematic review and meta-analysis
R Parra-Medina, JP Castañeda-González, L Montoya, MP Gómez-Gómez, ...
Lung Cancer, 107378, 2023
Análisis de concordancia en la interpretación de imágenes mamográficas entre médicos radiólogos de Bogotá, DC
DN Puerto Jiménez, HA Martínez, LM Montoya Quesada, ...
Medicina (Bogotá), 181-190, 2018
Comparison of injury severity scores derived from ICD-10-AM codes with trauma registry derived scores: A study from New Zealand
L Montoya, G Davie, R Lilley, B Dicker, B Kool
Injury 55 (5), 111511, 2024
117 Predictors of prehospital mortality in patients with major trauma in New Zealand
L Montoya, G Davie, B Kool, B Dicker
84 Comparison of manually and algorithm derived injury severity scores
L Montoya, G Davie, DB Kool, B Dicker
Injury prevention 28 (Suppl 2), A10-A10, 2022
P2. 005 Epidemiology of major trauma in New Zealand: a literature review
L Montoya, B Kool, G Davie, B Dicker
Injury Prevention 27 (Suppl 2), A31-A31, 2021
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