Catherine Tarasoff
Catherine Tarasoff
在 mtu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Utility of unmanned aerial vehicles for mapping invasive plant species: a case study on yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus L.)
DJ Hill, C Tarasoff, GE Whitworth, J Baron, JL Bradshaw, JS Church
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (8-10), 2083-2105, 2017
Comparative plant responses of Puccinellia distans and Puccinellia nuttalliana to sodic versus normal soil types
CS Tarasoff, CA Mallory-Smith, DA Ball
Journal of Arid Environments 70 (3), 403-417, 2007
Leaf area and water content changes after permanent and temporary storage
KJ Juneau, CS Tarasoff
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42604, 2012
Biological attributes of rattail fescue (Vulpia myuros)
DA Ball, SM Frost, L Fandrich, C Tarasoff, C Mallory-Smith
Weed Science 56 (1), 26-31, 2008
The seasonality of survival and subsequent growth of common reed (Phragmites australis) rhizome fragments
KJ Juneau, CS Tarasoff
Invasive Plant Science and Management 6 (1), 79-86, 2013
Does ungulate foraging behavior in forest canopy gaps produce a spatial subsidy with cascading effects on vegetation?
B Tahtinen, BD Murray, CR Webster, CS Tarasoff, AJ Burton
Forest Science 60 (5), 819-829, 2014
Assessing the efficacy of two indirect methods for quantifying canopy variables associated with the interception loss of rainfall in temperate hardwood forests
GP Thomas, S Catherine, K Hong-Suk
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology 2012, 2012
Afterripening requirements and optimal germination temperatures for Nuttall's alkaligrass (Puccinellia nuttalliana) and weeping alkaligrass (Puccinellia distans)
CS Tarasoff, DA Ball, CA Mallory-Smith
Weed science 55 (1), 36-40, 2007
Assessing benthic barriers vs. aggressive cutting as effective Yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) control mechanisms
CS Tarasoff, K Streichert, W Gardner, B Heise, J Church, TG Pypker
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (3), 229-234, 2016
Extreme ionic and temperature effects on germination of weeping alkaligrass (Puccinellia distans), Nuttall's alkaligrass (Puccinellia nuttalliana) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa …
CS Tarasoff, DA Ball, CA Mallory-Smith
Weed science 55 (4), 305-310, 2007
Using Geographic Information Systems to present nongeographical data: an example using 2-way thermogradient plate data
CS Tarasoff, M Louhaichi, C Mallory-Smith, DA Ball
Rangeland ecology & management 58 (2), 215-218, 2005
The biology and ecology of weeping alkaligrass (Puccinellia distans) and Nuttall’s alkaligrass (Puccinellia nuttalliana)
C Tarasoff
Vernalization responses and subsequent fertility of two climatically distinct populations of rattail fescue (Vulpia myuros [L.] C.C. Gmel.)
CS Tarasoff, C Mallory‐Smith, L Ingegneri
Weed Biology and Management 13 (1), 24-30, 2013
Competitive effects of Nuttall's and weeping alkaligrass in Kentucky bluegrass
CS Tarasoff, CA Mallory-Smith, DA Ball
Northwest Science 83 (4), 325-333, 2009
Effects of salinity and drought on early seedling growth and survival of Artemisia herbaalba
M Louhaichi, C Tarasoff, H AI-Homsh, S Hassan, S Ates, TG Pypker
Range Management and Agroforestry 36 (1), 6-12, 2015
Biology of rattail fescue and its management in direct-seeded winter wheat and chemical fallow
DA Ball, SM Frost, C Tarasoff, C Mallory-Smith
2005 Dryland Agricultural Research Annual Report, 92-103, 2005
Too Much of a Good Thing–Using Water to Control the Aquatic Invasive Yellow Flag Iris (Iris Pseudacorus L.)
C Tarasoff, S Gillies
Feasibility of Targeted Invasive Plant Grazing in Metro Vancouver
AJ Miller, C Tarasoff, T Salmon
Site Characteristics Associated with Nuttall's and Weeping Alkaligrass in Northeastern Oregon
CS Tarasoff, DA Ball, CA Mallory-Smith, TG Pypker, KM Irvine
Northwest Science 84 (4), 351-360, 2010
Using the Wet-Blade to Control Invasive Species along Roadway Corridors
CS Tarasoff
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