Tyler Lefevor
Attachment, Minority Stress, and Health Outcomes among Conservatively Religious Sexual Minorities
SJ Skidmore, SA Sorrell, GT Lefevor
Journal of Homosexuality 70 (13), 3171-3191, 2023
Health disparities between genderqueer, transgender, and cisgender individuals: An extension of minority stress theory.
GT Lefevor, CC Boyd-Rogers, BM Sprague, RA Janis
Journal of counseling psychology 66 (4), 385, 2019
Contemporary college student anxiety: The role of academic distress, financial stress, and support
PJ Jones, SY Park, GT Lefevor
Journal of College Counseling 21 (3), 252-264, 2018
Same-sex attracted, not LGBQ: The associations of sexual identity labeling on religiousness, sexuality, and health among Mormons
GT Lefevor, SA Sorrell, G Kappers, A Plunk, RL Schow, CH Rosik, ...
Journal of Homosexuality, 2019
Traits, situational factors, and their interactions as explanations of helping behavior
GT Lefevor, BJ Fowers
Personality and Individual Differences 92, 159-163, 2016
The relationship between religiousness and health among sexual minorities: A meta-analysis.
GT Lefevor, EB Davis, JY Paiz, ACP Smack
Psychological Bulletin 147 (7), 647, 2021
To what degree do situational influences explain spontaneous helping behaviour? A meta-analysis
GT Lefevor, BJ Fowers, S Ahn, SF Lang, LM Cohen
European Review of Social Psychology 28 (1), 227-256, 2017
Distress and therapeutic outcomes among transgender and gender nonconforming people of color
GT Lefevor, RA Janis, A Franklin, WM Stone
The Counseling Psychologist 47 (1), 34-58, 2019
Satisfaction and health within four sexual identity relationship options
GT Lefevor, AL Beckstead, RL Schow, M Raynes, TR Mansfield, CH Rosik
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 45 (5), 355-369, 2019
The role of religiousness and beliefs about sexuality in well-being among sexual minority mormons.
GT Lefevor, IP Blaber, CE Huffman, RL Schow, AL Beckstead, M Raynes, ...
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 12 (4), 460, 2020
How well do various types of support buffer psychological distress among transgender and gender nonconforming students?
GT Lefevor, BM Sprague, CC Boyd-Rogers, ACP Smack
International Journal of Transgenderism 20 (1), 39-48, 2019
Psychological distress among sexual and religious minorities: An examination of power and privilege
GT Lefevor, SY Park, TR Pedersen
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health 22 (2), 90-104, 2018
Sexual prejudice, sexism, and religion
C Etengoff, TG Lefevor
Current Opinion in Psychology 40, 45-50, 2021
Sexual orientation complexity and psychosocial/health outcomes
GT Lefevor, SY Park, MJ Acevedo, PJ Jones
Journal of Homosexuality 69 (1), 190-204, 2022
When God truly matters: A theistic approach to psychology
BD Slife, JS Reber, GT Lefevor
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 23, 213-237, 2012
Navigating potentially traumatic conservative religious environments as a sexual/gender minority
GT Lefevor, CE Huffman, IP Blaber
Violence against LGBTQ+ persons: Research, practice, and advocacy, 317-329, 2021
Suicidal ideation among active and nonactive/former latter‐day saint sexual minorities
GT Lefevor, JS McGraw, SJ Skidmore
Journal of Community Psychology 50 (1), 445-464, 2022
Homonegativity and the Black church: Is congregational variation the missing link?
GT Lefevor, JY Paiz, WM Stone, KD Huynh, HE Virk, SA Sorrell, SE Gage
The Counseling Psychologist 48 (6), 826-851, 2020
Religiousness, support, distal stressors, and psychological distress among Black sexual minority college students
GT Lefevor, ACP Smack, S Giwa
Journal of GLBT Family Studies 16 (2), 148-162, 2020
Religious and sexual identities: An intersectional, longitudinal examination of change in therapy
GT Lefevor, RA Janis, SY Park
The Counseling Psychologist 45 (3), 387-413, 2017
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