Are protected areas truly protected? The impact of road traffic on vertebrate fauna N Garriga, X Santos, A Montori, A Richter-Boix, M Franch, GA Llorente Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 2761-2774, 2012 | 154 | 2012 |
Seasonal variation in vertebrate traffic casualties and its implications for mitigation measures N Garriga, M Franch, X Santos, A Montori, GA Llorente Landscape and Urban Planning 157, 36-44, 2017 | 106 | 2017 |
Evaluating factors affecting amphibian mortality on roads: the case of the Common Toad Bufo bufo, near a breeding place X Santos, GA Llorente, A Montori, MA Carretero, M Franch, N Garriga, ... Animal biodiversity and conservation 30 (1), 97-104, 2007 | 75 | 2007 |
Food availability determines the response to pond desiccation in anuran tadpoles U Enriquez-Urzelai, O San Sebastián, N Garriga, GA Llorente Oecologia 173, 117-127, 2013 | 65 | 2013 |
Effects of the non-native amphibian species Discoglossus pictus on the recipient amphibian community: niche overlap, competition and community organization A Richter-Boix, N Garriga, A Montori, M Franch, O San Sebastián, ... Biological Invasions 15, 799-815, 2013 | 57 | 2013 |
How does the invasive/native nature of species influence tadpoles’ plastic responses to predators? E Pujol‐Buxó, O San Sebastián, N Garriga, GA Llorente Oikos 122 (1), 19-29, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Colonización y efectos potenciales de la especie invasora Discoglossus pictus sobre las especies nativas A Montori, GA Llorente, A Richter-Boix, D Villero, M Franch, N Garriga Munibe 25, 14-27, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |
Impact of ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrate on tadpoles of Alytes obstetricans N Garriga, A Montori, GA Llorente Ecotoxicology 26, 667-674, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Differential trophic traits between invasive and native anuran tadpoles O San Sebastián, E Pujol-Buxó, N Garriga, Á Richter-Boix, GA Llorente Aquatic Invasions 10 (4), 475-484, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Spatial variation in anuran richness, diversity, and abundance across montane wetland habitat in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda Y van der Hoek, D Tuyisingize, W Eckardt, N Garriga, MA Derhé Ecology and Evolution 9 (7), 4220-4230, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Natural fluctuations in a stream dwelling newt as a result of extreme rainfall: a 21-year survey of a Calotriton asper population A Montori, A Richter-Boix, M Franch, X Santos, N Garriga, GA Llorente Basic and Applied Herpetology 26, 43-56, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
Lessons from a complex biogeographical scenario: morphological characters match mitochondrial lineages within Iberian Coronella austriaca (Reptilia: Colubridae) GA Llorente, M Vidal-Garcia, N Garriga, S Carranza, JM Pleguezuelos, ... Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106 (1), 210-223, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
Bases para la gestión forestal en relación con la herpetofauna A Montori, GA Llorente, MA Carretero, X Santos, A Richter-Boix, M Franch, ... Camprodon i Subirach, J., Plana Bach, E.(Eds.). Conservación de la …, 2007 | 15 | 2007 |
Growth strategies of tadpoles along the pond permanency gradient E Pujol-Buxó, N Garriga, A Richter-Boix, GA Llorente Evolutionary Ecology 30, 1117-1132, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Chondrocranial ontogeny of Pelodytes punctatus (Anura: Pelodytidae). Response to competition: geometric morphometric and allometric change analysis N Garriga, GA Llorente Acta Zoologica 93 (4), 453-464, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
Declivi de les poblacions d'amfibis al Delta del Llobregat A Montori Materials del Baix Llobregat, 65-70, 2009 | 11 | 2009 |
Incidència de les carreteres sobre els amfibis i rèptils de Catalunya GA Llorente, A MONTORI, X SANTOS, N GARRIGA, A RICHTER-BOIX, ... Departament de Medi Ambient-Universitat de Barcelona. 123pp. Inédito, 2001 | 5 | 2001 |
Differential trophic traits between invasive and native anuran tadpoles O San Sebastián Mendoza, E Pujol Buxó, N Garriga, A Richter Boix, ... Aquatic Invasions, 2015, vol. 10, num. 4, p. 475-484, 2015 | | 2015 |
Tadpole morphological phenotypic plasticity in complex environments AR Boix, N Garriga, GA Llorente JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 268 (12), 1123-1124, 2007 | | 2007 |
Morphological analysis of chondrocranial development of Pelodytes punctatus under different experimental conditions N Garriga, GA Llorente JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 268 (12), 1075-1075, 2007 | | 2007 |