Lixu Jin (金理旭)
Lixu Jin (金理旭)
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Constraining emissions of volatile organic compounds from western US wildfires with WE-CAN and FIREX-AQ airborne observations
L Jin, W Permar, V Selimovic, D Ketcherside, RJ Yokelson, RS Hornbrook, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (10), 5969-5991, 2023
Atmospheric OH reactivity in the western United States determined from comprehensive gas-phase measurements during WE-CAN
W Permar, L Jin, Q Peng, K O'Dell, E Lill, V Selimovic, RJ Yokelson, ...
Environmental Science: Atmospheres 3 (1), 97-114, 2023
Assessing formic and acetic acid emissions and chemistry in western US wildfire smoke: implications for atmospheric modeling
W Permar, C Wielgasz, L Jin, X Chen, MM Coggon, LA Garofalo, ...
Environmental Science: Atmospheres 3 (11), 1620-1641, 2023
Key results from the salt lake regional smoke, ozone, and aerosol study (SAMOZA)
DA Jaffe, M Ninneman, L Nguyen, H Lee, L Hu, D Ketcherside, L Jin, ...
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 74 (3), 163-180, 2024
Sources of atmospheric volatile organic compounds during the salt lake regional smoke, ozone and aerosol study (SAMOZA) 2022
EM Cope, DT Ketcherside, L Jin, L Tan, M Mansfield, C Jones, S Lyman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (17), e2024JD041640, 2024
Assessing Formic and Acetic Acid Emissions, Chemistry, and Model Representation in Western US Wildfire Smoke
W Permar, C Wielgasz, L Jin, X Chen, MM Coggon, L Garofalo, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (2705), A33L-2705, 2023
Overview of Results from The Salt Lake regional Smoke, Ozone and Aerosol Study (SAMOZA)
DA Jaffe, M Ninneman, C Jones, T O'Neil, L Hu, D Ketcherside, L Jin
103rd AMS Annual Meeting, 2023
Estimating Air Quality Impacts of Western US Wildfires Using A Continental Scale Chemical Transport Model
V Selimovic, D Ketcherside, L Jin, K Nauman, RJ Yokelson, L Hu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A42A-06, 2022
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from fires: how many should we care about?
L Hu, W Permar, L Jin, V Selimovic, D Ketcherside, S Chaliyakunnel, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A25A-04, 2022
Improving Biomass Burning Representation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in GEOS-Chem
L Jin, W Permar, MM Coggon, L Hu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A22C-1682, 2022
Calculated OH Reactivity of Western US Wildfires Measured During WE-CAN
W Permar, L Jin, V Selimovic, R Yokelson, R Hornbrook, A Hills, E Apel, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, A35J-1763, 2021
Evaluating the potential of TEMPO formaldehyde observations for constraining VOC emissions during wildfires in western United States
S Chaliyakunnel, L Jin, CC Miller, L Hu
101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2021
Volatile Organic Compounds in a Western Montana Valley: Roles of Residential Wood Burning and Impacts of SARS-CoV-2 Shutdowns
D Ketcherside, K Nauman, W Permar, L Jin, C Wielgasz, L Hu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A034-0001, 2020
Constraining volatile organic compound emissions from western US wildfires with WE-CAN airborne observations
L Jin, W Permar, EV Fischer, L Hu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A224-0016, 2020
Evaluating Ozone Photochemistry in Biomass Burning Plumes: Insights from Aircraft Campaign Data
L Jin, MM Coggon, W Permar, J Juncosa, FM Flocke, BB Palm, EV Fischer, ...
AGU24, 0
Global emissions and chemistry of furanoids: 3-D model analysis and constraints from in-situ observations
L Jin, MM Coggon, W Permar, L Tan, JJ Orlando, K Bates, RJ Yokelson, ...
AGU24, 0
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