CARMEN LUCIA CURCIO BORRERO (Orcid 0000-0002-8063-2301)
CARMEN LUCIA CURCIO BORRERO (Orcid 0000-0002-8063-2301)
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Validity and reliability of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB): a pilot study on mobility in the Colombian Andes
JF Gómez, CL Curcio, B Alvarado, MV Zunzunegui, J Guralnik
Colombia medica 44 (3), 165-171, 2013
Phenotype of osteosarcopenia in older individuals with a history of falling
YR Huo, P Suriyaarachchi, F Gomez, CL Curcio, D Boersma, SW Muir, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 16 (4), 290-295, 2015
Sources of social support associated with health and quality of life: a cross-sectional study among Canadian and Latin American older adults
E Bélanger, T Ahmed, A Vafaei, CL Curcio, SP Phillips, MV Zunzunegui
BMJ open 6 (6), e011503, 2016
Investigación cuantitativa: una perspectiva epistemológica y metodológica
CLC Borrero
Kinesis Editorial, 2002
Frailty among rural elderly adults
CL Curcio, GM Henao, F Gomez
BMC geriatrics 14, 1-9, 2014
Activity restriction related to fear of falling among older people in the Colombian Andes mountains: are functional or psychosocial risk factors more important?
CL Curcio, F Gomez, CA Reyes-Ortiz
Journal of aging and health 21 (3), 460-479, 2009
SABE Colombia: Survey on Health, Well‐Being, and Aging in Colombia—study design and protocol
F Gomez, J Corchuelo, CL Curcio, MT Calzada, F Mendez
Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research 2016 (1), 7910205, 2016
Comprehensive nutritional status in sarco-osteoporotic older fallers
YR Huo, P Suriyaarachchi, F Gomez, CL Curcio, D Boersma, ...
The Journal of nutrition, health and aging 19 (4), 474-480, 2015
Life-Space Assessment scale to assess mobility: validation in Latin American older women and men
CL Curcio, BE Alvarado, F Gomez, R Guerra, J Guralnik, MV Zunzunegui
Aging clinical and experimental research 25, 553-560, 2013
Prevalence of poor self-rated health and associated risk factors among older adults in Cali, Colombia
JM Ocampo-Chaparro, HJ Zapata-Ossa, ÁM Cubides-Munévar, ...
Colombia Médica 44 (4), 224-231, 2013
Fragilidad en ancianos colombianos
JFG Montes, CLC Borrero, GM Henao
Revista Médica Sanitas 15 (4), 8-16, 2012
Fear of falling as a risk factor of mobility disability in older people at five diverse sites of the IMIAS study
M Auais, BE Alvarado, CL Curcio, A Garcia, A Ylli, N Deshpande
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 66, 147-153, 2016
Health care for older persons in Colombia: a country profile
F Gómez, CL Curcio, G Duque
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57 (9), 1692-1696, 2009
Investigación y envejecimiento: del dato a la teoría
CL Curcio Borrero
Hacia la promoción de la salud 15 (1), 144-166, 2010
Evaluación de la salud de los ancianos
JFG Montes
Informacion y Publicaciones, 1995
Soporte social informal, salud y funcionalidad en el anciano
CL Curcio Borrero
Hacia la Promoción de la Salud 13 (1), 42-58, 2008
Evaluación de la salud de los ancianos
JF Gomez Montes, CL Curcio Borrero, DE Gomez Gomez
Evaluacion de la salud de los ancianos, 380-380, 1995
Investigación cuantitativa
CL Curcio Borrero
Colombia: Editorial Kinesis, 2008
Fear of falling and environmental factors: A scoping review
CLV Rico, CL Curcio
Annals of geriatric medicine and research 26 (2), 83, 2022
Consecuencias de las caídas en ancianos institucionalizados
GM Henao, CL Curcio Borrero, JF Gómez Montes
Revista de la asociación Colombiana de Gerontología y Geriatría 23, 1221-1233, 2009
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