Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
Researcher, Department for Byzantine Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences
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Quantitative historical analysis uncovers a single dimension of complexity that structures global variation in human social organization
P Turchin, TE Currie, H Whitehouse, P François, K Feeney, D Mullins, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (2), E144-E151, 2018
Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des oströmischen Reiches: Regesten 565-867
F Dölger, P Wirth, AE Muller
CH Beck, 2009
Modelling climate and societal resilience in the Eastern Mediterranean in the last millennium
E Xoplaki, J Luterbacher, S Wagner, E Zorita, D Fleitmann, ...
Human Ecology 46, 363-379, 2018
A Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean? New results and theories on the interplay between climate and societies in Byzantium and the Near East, ca. 1000-1200 AD
J Preiser-Kapeller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.04013, 2017
Der Episkopat im späten Byzanz. Ein Verzeichnis der Metropoliten und Bischöfe des Patriarchats von Konstantinopel in der Zeit von 1204 bis 1453
J Preiser-Kapeller
Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008
Jenseits von Rom und Karl dem Großen.: Aspekte der globalen Verflechtung in der langen Spätantike, 300-800 n. Chr.
J Preiser-Kapeller
Mandelbaum Verlag, 2018
Harbours and maritime networks as complex adaptive systems: international workshop" Harbours and maritime networks as complex adaptive systems" at the Römisch-Germanisches …
J Preiser-Kapeller, F Daim
(No Title), 2015
An Introduction to Seshat: Global History Databank
P Turchin, H Whitehouse, P François, D Hoyer, A Alves, J Baines, D Baker, ...
Liquid Frontiers: A Relational Analysis of Maritime Asia Minor as a Religious Contact Zone in the Thirteenth-Fifteenth Centuries 1
J Preiser-Kapeller
Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia, 117-146, 2016
Der Episkopat im spaten Byzanz
J Preiser-Kapeller
Ein Verzeichnis der Metropoliten und Bischofe des Patriarchats von …, 2008
Calculating the Middle Ages? The Project" Complexities and Networks in the Medieval Mediterranean and Near East"(COMMED)
J Preiser-Kapeller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03433, 2015
Complex historical dynamics of crisis: the case of Byzantium
J Preiser-Kapeller
Krise und Transformation, 69–127, 2012
Migration histories of the medieval Afroeurasian transition zone: aspects of mobility between Africa, Asia and Europe, 300-1500 CE
J Preiser-Kapeller, L Reinfandt, Y Stouraitis
Brill, 2020
Connecting Harbours. A comparison of traffic networks across ancient and medieval Europe
J Preiser-Kapeller, L Werther
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.09516, 2016
Networks of border zones – multiplex relations of power, religion and economy in Southeastern Europe, 1250-1453 CE
J Preiser-Kapeller
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and …, 2012
Der lange Sommer und die kleine Eiszeit
J Preiser-Kapeller
Mandelbaum, Vienna, 2021
Jenseits von Rom und Karl dem Großen
J Preiser-Kapeller
Aspekte der globalen Verflechtung in der langen Spätantike, 300-800, 2018
Harbours and maritime networks as complex adaptive systems—A thematic introduction
J Preiser-Kapeller
Harbours and Maritime Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems; Preiser-Kapeller …, 2015
The Maritime Mobility of Individuals and Objects. Networks and Entanglements
J Preiser-Kapeller
Preiser-Kapeller, J, 119-40, 2015
Civitas Thauris. The significance of Tabrīz in the spatial frameworks of Christian merchants and ecclesiastics in the 13th and 14th century
J Preiser-Kapeller
Beyond the Abbasid Caliphate: Politics, Patronage and the Transmission of …, 2013
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