Lectures on macroeconomics O Blanchard, S Fischer MIT press, 1989 | 7324 | 1989 |
The dynamic effects of aggregate demand and supply disturbances OJ Blanchard, D Quah National Bureau of Economic Research, 1988 | 6930 | 1988 |
Convergence across states and regions RJ Barro, X Sala-i-Martin, OJ Blanchard, RE Hall Brookings papers on economic activity, 107-182, 1991 | 6505 | 1991 |
Macroeconomics; Australasian Edition O Blanchard, J Sheen Pearson Higher Education AU, 2013 | 5622 | 2013 |
An empirical characterization of the dynamic effects of changes in government spending and taxes on output O Blanchard, R Perotti the Quarterly Journal of economics 117 (4), 1329-1368, 2002 | 5322 | 2002 |
Debt, deficits, and finite horizons OJ Blanchard Journal of political economy 93 (2), 223-247, 1985 | 4021 | 1985 |
Regional evolutions OJ Blanchard, LF Katz, RE Hall, B Eichengreen Brookings papers on economic activity 1992 (1), 1-75, 1992 | 4003 | 1992 |
The solution of linear difference models under rational expectations OJ Blanchard, CM Kahn Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1305-1311, 1980 | 3444 | 1980 |
Hysteresis and the European unemployment problem OJ Blanchard, LH Summers NBER macroeconomics annual 1, 15-78, 1986 | 3374 | 1986 |
The role of shocks and institutions in the rise of European unemployment: the aggregate evidence O Blanchard, J Wolfers The economic journal 110 (462), 1-33, 2000 | 3288 | 2000 |
Rethinking macroeconomic policy O Blanchard, G Dell’Ariccia, P Mauro Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 42, 199-215, 2010 | 3061* | 2010 |
Monopolistic competition and the effects of aggregate demand OJ Blanchard, N Kiyotaki The American Economic Review, 647-666, 1987 | 2520 | 1987 |
Bubbles, rational expectations and financial markets OJ Blanchard, MW Watson National Bureau of economic research, 1982 | 2414 | 1982 |
Growth forecast errors and fiscal multipliers OJ Blanchard, D Leigh American Economic Review 103 (3), 117-120, 2013 | 2107 | 2013 |
Macroeconomic effects of regulation and deregulation in goods and labor markets O Blanchard, F Giavazzi The Quarterly journal of economics 118 (3), 879-907, 2003 | 1923 | 2003 |
The Macroeconomic Effects of Oil Shocks: Why are the 2000s so different from the 1970s? OJ Blanchard, J Gali National bureau of economic research, 2007 | 1808 | 2007 |
Federalism with and without political centralization: China versus Russia O Blanchard, A Shleifer IMF staff papers 48 (Suppl 1), 171-179, 2001 | 1663 | 2001 |
Suggestions for a new set of fiscal indicators OJ Blanchard OECD, 1990 | 1638 | 1990 |
The economics of post-communist transition O Blanchard OUP Oxford, 1997 | 1532 | 1997 |
The long and large decline in US output volatility O Blanchard, J Simon Brookings papers on economic activity 2001 (1), 135-174, 2001 | 1502 | 2001 |