Regina Winzer
Regina Winzer
Karolinska Institutet, Public Health Agency of Sweden
在 ki.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Effects of mental health interventions for students in higher education are sustainable over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
R Winzer, L Lindberg, K Guldbrandsson, A Sidorchuk
PeerJ 6, e4598, 2018
Positive versus negative mental health in emerging adulthood: a national cross-sectional survey
R Winzer, F Lindblad, K Sorjonen, L Lindberg
BMC public health 14, 1-10, 2014
Targeted victimization and suicidality among trans people: A web-based survey
G Zeluf, C Dhejne, C Orre, LN Mannheimer, C Deogan, J Höijer, R Winzer, ...
LGBT health 5 (3), 180-190, 2018
What predicts stable mental health in the 18–29 age group compared to older age groups? Results from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort 2002–2014
R Winzer, K Sorjonen, L Lindberg
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (12), 2859, 2018
Kultur för hälsa: En exempelsamling från forskning och praktik
R Winzer
Statens folkhälsoinstitut, 2005
Does a short-term intervention promote mental and general health among young adults?–An evaluation of counselling
R Winzer, AB Brucefors
BMC Public Health 7, 1-12, 2007
Exploring associations between subjective well-being and personality over a time span of 15–18 months: a cohort study of adolescents in Sweden
R Winzer, M Vaez, L Lindberg, S Kimmo
BMC Psychology 9 (173), 2021
Psykisk ohälsa, självmordstankar och självmordsförsök bland homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner (hbt)–resultat från två svenska undersökningar
R Winzer, G Boström
Suicidologi 12 (1), 2007
Targeted victimization and suicidality among trans people: A web-based survey. LGBT health, 5 (3), 180-190
G Zeluf, C Dhejne, C Orre, LN Mannheimer, C Deogan, J Höijer, R Winzer, ...
The DECIDE evidence to recommendation framework adapted to the public health field in Sweden
K Guldbrandsson, N Stenström, R Winzer
Health promotion international 31 (4), 749-754, 2016
Psykodynamisk psykoterapi för unga: utvärdering av projektet ungdomar och unga vuxna vid Ericastiftelsen
M Jeanneau, R Winzer
Psykisk hälsa-barn och unga, Stockholms läns landsting, 2007
Mental illness, suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide among homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals–Result from Swedish studies
R Winzer, G Bostrøm
Suicidology 12 (1), 10-13, 2007
Psykodynamisk psykoterapi för unga
M Jeanneau, R Winzer
Utvärdering av projektet ungdomar och unga vuxna vid Ericastiftelsen, 2007
Are older studies lost in database searches for systematic reviews?
BH Jonsson, R Winzer, C Gornitzki
Psychological Medicine 48 (7), 1218-1219, 2018
What is hidden in tattoos?
BH Jonsson, R Winzer
American Journal of Clinical Pathology 143 (6), 908-910, 2015
Kvinnors övervikt och hälsa
L Ekenvall, T Rinnan, R Winzer
Stockholms lans kvinnohälsorapport, 1996
Aspects of positive and negative mental health in young people, aged 16-29 years: measurements, determinants, and interventions
R Winzer
PQDT-Global, 2019
Betydelsen av fyra samtal, utvärdering av samtalsstöd för unga vuxna vid S: t Lukas
R Winzer
Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för folkhälsovetenskap: Avdelningen för …, 2004
Does mental health promotion in students have sustainable effects? Regina Winzer
R Winzer, L Lindberg, A Sidorchuk, K Guldbrandsson
The European Journal of Public Health 26 (suppl_1), ckw174. 177, 2016
Effective methods to promote health among sexual and gender minorities–a scoping review
C Deogan, L Mannheimer, K Kaartinen, E Jacobsson, R Winzer
European Journal of Public Health 28 (suppl_4), cky213. 713, 2018
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